By Anonymous - 13/03/2010 09:17 - United Kingdom

Today, I was at my boyfriend's house, when I needed the loo. The door was ajar, so I walked into his bathroom, sat down, and started to pee. I then looked up to see the shocked face of his dad sitting naked in the bath. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 755
You deserved it 10 095

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess you made a good FIRST impression!

Now that's just awkward... next time "loo"k before you leak... Imagine if he got a boner... FYL indeed


Bawvie 1
bamskey 0
real_culprit6 0

ajar-open loo-toilet It's still English. Haha

campbellshayla73 0
rideacowgirl11 0

y would he be in the bath clothed?? op, you should knock, he should close the door.

strength413 8

that is probably the best comment in fmylife history. that's hilarious.

bfffness 0

loo? ajar? what's wrong with you

H8fulwanker 1

@43 It's called being English, you retarded wanker! Do you not know what wanker means either? Go sod yourself for being ignorant! Google those words, won't take you less than two minutes to find out their meanings. It probably took you about 5 minutes to whine and comment on this FML about how you didn't know what those words mean. Guess we all know where your priorities are, you gob-shite!

I thought everyone knew what ajar meant. As in, it's a word common to both the major English's

H8fulwanker 1

@50 condomhead? Really? Is that the best you can come up with? Why didn't you just say lint licker?

H8fulwanker 1

@50 Condomhead? Really? Is that the best you can come up with? Why didn't you just say lint-licker?

koco4 0

Can you imagine if the OP went for a shit instead?

wow u should have taken off your clothes and lock the door and join him lmao that would be funny...and act like your a hooker lmao

king_allyson 0

why is everyone getting mad just because some people dont know the words ajar and loo? i dnt know what they mean and ive never herd them till now. so **** yuu.

H8fulwanker 1

I think "loo" and "ajar" are not the only words you didn't know. "Don't", "heard" and "you" are not in your dictionary either.

You also seem to have problems with capitalization.

I don't think the issue is that they didn't know the words; the issue is that one of them insinuated something was wrong with the OP for using them.