By Username - 12/03/2011 05:10 - United States

Today, my boyfriend said he wanted to try something new. By something new, it was to put flour in my butt and see what would happen if I farted. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 186
You deserved it 8 335

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, that's definitely something new. I hope. So what happened?

If he is that keen to know what happens, he should have used his own arse. What a ******* idiot.


Well, that's definitely something new. I hope. So what happened?

alizzette_nabash 6

it's actually not new. they did that on jackass 2.5 :/

Omg!! this was on Jackass 2.5!! that shit is funny

you and your boyfriend must be 12 years old

ifinsane 6

I'm hoping, for the sake of humanity, that you told him to bugger off

steroid2310 0

if he wanted to know he should go watch jackass 2

nonameheroes 0

thats called ass time just fart in his face...he'll either like it or think twice next time he wants to try something new

i would of started laughing at the suggestion haha. I can't believe someone asked this.

If he is that keen to know what happens, he should have used his own arse. What a ******* idiot.

Just watch the episode of Jackass where one guy did the exact same thing lol it saves you the embarassment!

WTF does that have anything to do with anything

smoker.. flames.. common connect the dots!!! lmfao

nothing butt it is as funny as the topic it self

lol was a pun intende when you said "butt" in stead of "but" because it made me laugh. Haha!