By cmac1229 - 23/06/2009 22:52 - United States

Today, I was at a gas station and I went to the bathroom. Thinking some was already in the bathroom, I waited for ten minutes while people lined up behind me only to find out that it was empty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 154
You deserved it 51 395

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I've heard of **** blocking. But seriously! What kind of monster would you have to be to block people from going to the toilet.

SweetThang 0

I dont think this is a FML. wow u wasted 10 minutes.. thats not a big deal.

lol, should of just told people you weren't waiting.

lucksnothear1 0
oldskoolman85 0

YDI for using a gas station bathroom.

ive done that the exact not sure why though.

hanic101 0