By facepalm - 14/06/2011 08:30 - United States

Today, I really had to go to the bathroom. Due to my fear of public restrooms, I made sure it was clear before I started. I heard someone sigh halfway through. Embarrassed, I waited a full ten minutes before leaving the stall, only to see that it was only the automatic air freshener. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 964
You deserved it 35 783

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

I've seen the same thing before in Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Except, in that case, the air freshener was carrying a chainsaw and it was chopping everyone's heads off. OP, you were right to wait inside the stall. Air Fresheners are very dangerous.

adropofpeace 8

My sympathies are with you. However it still makes me laugh that you'd sit there for 10 minutes without leaving.


adropofpeace 8

My sympathies are with you. However it still makes me laugh that you'd sit there for 10 minutes without leaving.

Expertfail 0

Mine aren't. 'As any baby with a brain will tell you: everybody poops!'

haha you wouldn't see em again most likely if it really was a person and it would gave seemed as if you Wer taking a dump being in there that long

sandi315 0

wait, they have air fresheners in public restrooms? Mine don't.

ItWasAllWorthIt 0

Lol. I used to think my job was haunted because if the air freshener.

zuzupetalsYO 11

maybe this is a hint to get over it! poo when and where you want! take control man

Why so embarrassed? They won't think any less of you since they are also in a public toilet.

Why the fear of public restrooms? Everybody poops.

I hate public restrooms. They're just nasty. Some people have weird fears.

Penguinzz 2

it means prefering private bathrooms for whatever reason

rebekahah 7

not everyone can openly use the restroom. some have shy blattters, and others know about all the germs on those seats.

Alex94xela 0

OP just has a small dick so he doesn't want people to see it

jklol11 0

is it weird to have a phobia of swings? because I find that just as odd as a phobia of public restrooms... but those are pretty scary...

jklol11 0

like swings. I am beyond terrified after I fell off of one last summer from 10 feet. I'm terrified.

I have a phobia of swimming pool drains.

And just what happens when you have to spend the night in jail? Piss yourself? Rather than use a "public" restroom. HahaxD

Omg get over it seriously... What is it with all of the wusses being raised anymore...

iAmScrubs 19

I've seen the same thing before in Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Except, in that case, the air freshener was carrying a chainsaw and it was chopping everyone's heads off. OP, you were right to wait inside the stall. Air Fresheners are very dangerous.

There's something more important than chainsaw-wielding air fresheners: How does the thing move?

oh my god, 83, you can't just ask how things move

SunDropGirl 0

you know if it had been ten minutes that person probably left.

ambermary101 6

I don't know I know this girl that told me she takes like 30 minutes to go number 2

I hate using public restrooms, I litterally pee for a few seconds, stop and look around, repeat. But if there was a guy in there, I would have left unless he was masturbating.

no one is gunna laugh as hard as they can when you leave the stall, whats so bad about public washrooms? o.o

Feedmyaddiction5 14

some of them are straight filthy. but if I gotta go I gotta go lol

flighted 1

yeah but OP's problem isn't about cleanliness..... kind of odd, I mean, people are going in for the same exact reason you are

rebekahah 7

shy blatter. it's not a choice, you can't control it, you just can't go when you know someone else can hear you.

Actually you can control it. Its called relax, envision somewhere comfy, breathe, and, oh yeah, grow the **** up. It's a toilet.

now he's not going to be able to leave this comment for ten minutes...

blaze013008 0

#88 hahahahahahahahahahahahaha omg thats funny

Zeek63 0

hooooolyyyyyy shiiiiit!!!! that comment was scary

itsallgoodintheh 0

your retarded I think an I'm scared of them to mostly porta potties there super not fun

L1v3_L0v3_Lau9h 18

I couldn't read a single word you wrote.

itsallgoodintheh 0
jes1610 6

everything is spelled correctly. her sentence structure just sucks. and it took me a few times to understand it too.

it's not spelt right and has no grammar, but you can still see what she means!

I don't mean to be insulting but I have to . according to 11s profile , she's blonde and loves pink and puppies and so on . explains a lot .

danii_beezy 0

bahaha her profile shows exactly why she doesn't make sense.

I just hope she is atleast attractive or she will be going nowhere in life. What a dumb twat!

I feel like you shouldn't even leave comments on FML. ever single one I read makes zero sense and I just find you irritating.

Did anyone else read her profile in a bimbo voice? lol

itsallgoodintheh 0

what's wrong with m profile it's seems okay to me I think

sweetie pie "FML" is not an actual word, it's what we smart civilized people call an ABBREVIATION. Come on, sound it out with me.

txgirl2013 14

HAHA 46 - I did! 11- is 11 your age and your IQ?

itsallgoodintheh 0

no and I'm not 11 and what's Alaboration

She is the most steriotypical blonde lol

Is it wrong that I got more laughs out of her comments than out of most of the FMLs on the first page?

Because I see how simple minded you are, I'll avoid any very harsh comments; Most of your comments are difficult to understand, and your description seems to explain the reason why. You don't strike me as the cruel negative type, so any harsh comments towards you is pointless. Just use proper grammar and spelling, and people will leave you alone, except when you make a comment that no one likes, which seems to be all the time.

IAmTheHeavens 0

Makes sense that your picture is that of the playboy bunny logo. Let's learn first grade grammar before we post on the Internet. Oh wait... you've probably never been to school.

A7X_LoVeee 10

Every single one of you just got trolled.