By cmac1229 - 23/06/2009 22:52 - United States

Today, I was at a gas station and I went to the bathroom. Thinking some was already in the bathroom, I waited for ten minutes while people lined up behind me only to find out that it was empty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 154
You deserved it 51 395

Same thing different taste

Top comments


You're a dummy . one - you should have knocked . two - you shouldn't have waited there for ten minutes .

claiireee1 0

ugh this has happened to annoying!

Kris10Kris 0

stop leaving mean comments!! it's soo embarrasing, picture yourself!

LOL, who just waits outside the toilet?! I would sooo have knocked and checked if someone was in there! You deserved that one!

It's called knocking your a dumbass for standing 10 mins. outside

SO WHAT?! Get a life. Honestly, douche bag.

equastriangirl 0

eww. gas station bathrooms are nasty next time hold it

RiverRelic 0

We did that once at the Yosemite Visitor Center for their movie room where they run shows throughout the day. Had at least 100 people behind us before we realized the door wasn't locked.