By Anonymous - 05/06/2009 20:54 - Denmark

Today, I was at a bar. A fat guy looks at me for a while and sits down next to me. He turns and I expect that he'll hit on me. He then buttons down his shirt, presses his man boobs together and say to his friends “Look, I’ve got bigger tits than than the girl next to me!" His friends agreed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 087
You deserved it 6 137

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ZiggyMorrison 0

I personally LOVE small **** and so do alot of guys so dont feel bad about it

hahahaha this guy is laughing at you because he has bigger **** than you? ha that's funny. You should have laughed and said, "yeah chubby, you do", pat his stomach and say "when are you do?" unless he's not that fat..


ShenziSixaxis 0

His are unnatural fat, yours are natural fat. And he did that in public...? Ick.

jnic 0

Hahah wow, **** HIS life for being so fat he's got man *******, and so little shame that he makes fun of OTHER PEOPLE with it. Dude just insulted himself way more than you. Small **** on a girl is okay and some people think it's sexy... but **** on a guy? No way. D: And you don't deserve it for thinking he's going to hit on you. What else are you supposed to think if a guy keeps looking at you, then makes an unexplained effort to sit next to you? He's obviously up to SOMETHING.

bpbomber 0

that guy sounds like a loser who will do anything for some cheap laughs from his 'friends.' i hate those kinds of people

ChasinParkedCars 0
magoo2 0

haha this is so funny. but i'm really sorry that happened. you should've punched him in the ball sack or something.

Yeah robin hood...but I also wasn't the one who immaturely started the "you're fat" comments. The mere fact that you said I'm 105 lbs beat that shows you need to grow up. Get your first period then come talk to me. K? Thanks. #99(original post #) I totally agree there is NO EXCUSE to be that over weight..but there are lots of fat people that have made huge impacts on our society and to think some alcoholic child molestor(just an example) is automatically better is a tad crazy. If you meant purely better in a physical way, well I get your point but that's all up to the person who is looking ya know?

Also robin hood. I hope to god you are 5'4 or shorter. If you are any taller you probably look like a little 7 year old boy scout and that's disgusting! Haha and if u have to post that your under weight and only "105lbs" I doubt your being truthful...which means you probably are a fatty!

FYL for having to even see his man boobs. I would punch him in the face if I were you.