By ohsnap - 28/10/2009 10:14 - Australia

Today, I took my car through the car wash. I got bored, so turned the radio on, forgetting that the aerial/antenna on the car is automatic. My car aerial is now bent at a 90 degree angle and about to fall off. The radio is half white noise, half stuff that may or may not be free jazz jam sessions. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 698
You deserved it 35 329

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Get it fixed or get an iPod. I should charge for such insightful advice. Today, I gave away valuable. brilliant advice for free. I'm broke. FML.

How ******* crippling is your ADD if you can't sit through a *four minute carwash* without getting bored? Most people in that situation just relax, look at the pretty multicolored bubbles, then they're on their merry way. You, on the other hand, apparently start gibbering and twitching, starved for stimulation within a minute. If you ever have to sit in a waiting room for more than five minutes, you'll probably have a nervous breakdown.


"Half stuff that may or may nto be free jazz sessions." Brilliant! XD Kind of makes up how dumb what you did earlier was, haha. Unlucky.

perdix 29

Get it fixed or get an iPod. I should charge for such insightful advice. Today, I gave away valuable. brilliant advice for free. I'm broke. FML.

What car has a radio antenna anymore? Really. Get an iPod.

Not everyone wants to listen to the same old shit. I personally like listening to the radio. I hear new stuff and don't have to pick anything out. Granted, satellite radio is better, but whatever. I'm pretty sure most cars still do have radio antennae. I see what looks to be one on the 2010 Mustang...

american cars are not the best in the world.. old fashion stuff with big engine.. nothing more nothing less!

soccerskillz 0

CHECK IT OUT!!!!!!!!! GO read my aricles!! Theres alot to learn!

You're living in the past man! Get a zune or if you want to be normal get an iPod :)

YDI. that's one of the things they put on the signs that u need to check before u go into the car wash. and this is totally unrelated but...why don't they have an app for MLIA?

How ******* crippling is your ADD if you can't sit through a *four minute carwash* without getting bored? Most people in that situation just relax, look at the pretty multicolored bubbles, then they're on their merry way. You, on the other hand, apparently start gibbering and twitching, starved for stimulation within a minute. If you ever have to sit in a waiting room for more than five minutes, you'll probably have a nervous breakdown.

Sounds like me... That's why I always have my iPod with me

That was so ******* serious man. Your eyebrows must have been touching your nose.It was funny though

"Antenna is bent?! Noooooooooo!!!! ANTENNAAAA!!!! Stay with me! Don't follow the bright light! Live, you bastard!!" *thump, thump, thump, thump, breath* (sound of an amateur CPR) "I love you so much, don't leave me! You picked up so many radio waves over the years, made me happy so many times, and now you want to give up on me? Nooooo!! I'll never be happy without you!" . . . I think somebody should make a movie out of this.

freakin' TOTALLY should make a movie outta that! L.O. flippin' L.

why is there not an app for MLIA? ... and who keeps thumbs downing my comments *shakes fist*

It's not getting thumbs-downed, it's getting moderated for breaking a rule.

Veritas143 0

I hate when things get Moderated..because now I really want to know what it said but can't even uncover it.. it's the forbidden fruit of FML..

She said something along the lines of who keeps putting thumbs down on my comments.

Veritas143 0

And now I'm just disappointed..