By snitchovich - 27/05/2009 16:46 - United Kingdom

Today, I was sitting in a bar next to this gorgeous guy who kept eyeing me up and after about 30 minutes he finally leaned in to whisper something in my ear. What he said? "If I were you, I would get a push-up bra." FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 855
You deserved it 6 044

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gorgeous guys generally know they're gorgeous, and tend to think they can be jerks. don't worry, a lot of men actually prefer smaller boobs! or you could stuff, whatever floats your boat. :P

Manda777 0

haha wow. what a jackass. and yea 3 thats usually true. it is so hard to find an extremely hott guy that isn't a total douche.


OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SICK BURN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah...ur life's ******...

sneek_fml 1

ur comment just made my day

gorgeous guys generally know they're gorgeous, and tend to think they can be jerks. don't worry, a lot of men actually prefer smaller boobs! or you could stuff, whatever floats your boat. :P

DeadxManxWalking 27

prefer average not too bug.

That's only assuming they were raised by a douche father. If they were raised right, with manners and respect, they won't act like that.

Manda777 0

haha wow. what a jackass. and yea 3 thats usually true. it is so hard to find an extremely hott guy that isn't a total douche.

isthisonetaken 0

maybe you should get a push up bra

pft, dont sweat it. small boobs are way better

sunshiiiineXD 0

Maybe that's his way of saying he wants you? Haha FYL.

maybe girls will start going for the guy that doesnt look like an underwear model but actually sees beyond the boobs..

taleeeeeen 0

hahahha "a guy whoo sees beyond the boobz" lmao