By Anonymous - 05/06/2009 20:54 - Denmark

Today, I was at a bar. A fat guy looks at me for a while and sits down next to me. He turns and I expect that he'll hit on me. He then buttons down his shirt, presses his man boobs together and say to his friends “Look, I’ve got bigger tits than than the girl next to me!" His friends agreed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 087
You deserved it 6 137

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ZiggyMorrison 0

I personally LOVE small **** and so do alot of guys so dont feel bad about it

hahahaha this guy is laughing at you because he has bigger **** than you? ha that's funny. You should have laughed and said, "yeah chubby, you do", pat his stomach and say "when are you do?" unless he's not that fat..


jacquelinexlee 0

what a douchebag dont let that stop you theirs so many better guys out there

sbarre1 0

FHL for having man-boobs. Ew.

My bf used to joke with me in exactly the same way. He then told me that it's just a neg to have my attention. So don't feel bad about it, babe :-)

ryanr21 0
atrialfib29 0

Yeah!!! #129 rocks!!!!! Now that's a woman!!! ;)

kashi_fml 0

That's not something for either of you to be proud of.

You should have said "Well then I know who to go to when my children needs breast feeding.". Anyway, that really sucks... People needs to learn manners and such. >_>