By Pauline - 09/02/2016 21:35 - United States

Today, I visited my son at his university accommodations and noticed he's clearly never cleaned it since he moved in two years ago. I tried cleaning it myself, but gave up entirely when I found what looked like mushrooms growing out of an old takeout container. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 803
You deserved it 2 487

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Oh, yeah, those were totally there by mistake, mom. By the way, where'd you happen to put that container? I'm just curious…"


Hyperpwner 9
Clive_Anderson 4

Yes, it seems you've given an old joke new life.

"Oh, yeah, those were totally there by mistake, mom. By the way, where'd you happen to put that container? I'm just curious…"

"I have uh... a biology experiment that I need them for."

oj101 33

Hey, he's a student. It's free food, that's one less thing in his grocery list which means being less financially stretched.

Which is why #3 jokingly suggested that college makes it a financially preferable option.

Oh god he could he live let alone bring someone back to his place if need be, disgusting!!

Well, there's a place for the parents... there's no way a girl will have sex with him and he won't get her accidentally pregnant.

cosmic_peanut 17

can I have some of the mushrooms pls ? no obvious reasons why

And you are cleaning his room why? He's a grown man, make him clean his own room.

Why are people down voting this comment? This guy is absolutely right

Because moms will always want to be moms. Just because he is grown doesn't mean she can't still act like a mom. Probably empty-nest syndrome

If OP were suffering from empty nest syndrome, this would never have happened. His room would have been spotless and he'd be eating like a king.

Or instead of interfering just leave him to it. He's moved out, end of... I still live at home and if my parents tried to touch my stuff I'd lose my shit so why not let him have his freedom....

"He's a grown man" and "make him clean his own room" are fairly contradictory. If he is a grown man he can't be made to do anything, hence the "grown man" part...

Lol! Just like #36 said, this statement seems to contradict itself but that man does need to clean his nasty room! I don't understand how some people do it...

blueyes909 24

If he doesn't even know how to clean, how can he be responsible enough to live on his own??

Hey, He's a busy man. Eating and playing video games take a lot of work.

Story time! I actually had a roommate like this back when I was attending a military language school. At first, he was fine and acted normal, then suddenly, he metamorphosed into this unhygienic, lazy bastard of a man. I kept my things very neat and clean, and he was the literal opposite: discarded pizza boxes and leftover food were littered everywhere, and his bed and all possessions were covered with a thin layer of dead skin cells and dandruff. The place smelled like a landfill. The guy spent every hour he could possibly muster playing World of Warcraft, and never left the room to do anything except piss. His interpretation of cleaning was Febreze. I had enough, and eventually approached his stinky ass and bellowed at him to take a shower immediately, and he did so promptly. Eventually, I had enough of his shit, and I asked my NCO to relocate him, and that was the last I saw of him.

corky1992 33

Did you not ever make him clean before he left for school or is he just that dirty and lazy?

I think he's just lazy and dirty. I mean, come on, being clean and being responsible are things that one gets taught, but at the same time they are things that one has to actively pursue. OP's mom describes fungus growing? That's crazy, her son, to me, isn't mature enough to live on his own.

countryb_cth 38

Two of my friends recently moved in together and I ask myself the same question about the one guy. He's absolutely disgusting and so lazy. Recently they moved out due to problems and the guy took all his clothes out of his room. There was literally a layer of garbage, it looked like a years worth of garbage piled up in only 2-3 months. Once he had the dishes so pilled up that you couldn't see the counter or stove and they all had food on them. His roommate uses to come over to my place because he was so messy. I'll never understand people who can live like that.

How does that even happen? I had a roommate kind of like that, but not as bad. If it's a dorm, don't they do health inspections because of that type of thing? That sounds kinda dangerous and unsanitary.

Either he is lazy, extremely overloaded (not impossible) or this is some kind of psychological micro-aggression against his parents for always being clean.