By Anonymous - 09/02/2016 16:54 - United States - Richmond

Today, some jackass decided that using the back of my car to slow down was easier than using his brakes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 914
You deserved it 1 356

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's true; I've completely replaced my brakes with the back of somebody's car, and it works like a charm! As a matter of fact, after that modification, my car is completely stationary all the time!

Hey, at least it's definitely his fault. Your insurance will cover it. Sucks you have to deal with the hassle though.


hope you called the cops and pressed charges on them

At least he slowed down :3 hopefully he has to pay.oo

Hey, at least it's definitely his fault. Your insurance will cover it. Sucks you have to deal with the hassle though.

I was rear-ended the other week, all I need to do is replace the bumper and parking sensors which are around £150 to do the lot, and my insurance company wrote off my car because apparently £150 is more than 80% of £3000. >.> So now my car is worth nothing if I want to sell it, but I got me some free monies.

I'm not sure I agree it was his fault. By the law in most states it technically is, and I won't dispute that. He should have to pay for any damages he legally caused. But I can't tell you how many times I've had people pull out in front of me where I had to slam on my breaks to avoid rear ending them, or hastily change lanes. Not saying OP is one of these, just saying we weren't there. All we hear is OP's side.

I was cut off and had to slam on the brakes. The car behind me didn't and pushed me into the car I was trying to avoid.

Sometimes you gotta give people a brake.

The one guy had them yet didn't use them soooo...

TrippyEyes 16

This is quite possibly one of the funniest comments I've ever read on FML so shame on you #25

cosmic_peanut 17

Hi , I'm the back of this anonymous's car , AND THIS IS JACK-ASS

It's okay OP you can just enjoy the money from a lawsuit :P

blueyes909 24

Haa I'm sure he'll be sorry when he gets a nice bill

It's true; I've completely replaced my brakes with the back of somebody's car, and it works like a charm! As a matter of fact, after that modification, my car is completely stationary all the time!