By disgusted - 23/02/2010 18:09 - United States

Today, I went into my parents room to empty their wastebasket. Next to it and around their bed, I found tissues that were soaked in an unknown sticky substance. I had to pick them up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 449
You deserved it 3 685

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

It was your dad's semen mixed with either your mom's vaginal secretions or her saliva if she gave him a ******** and spat. YWIA, I am always glad to help people identify unknown bodily fluids.

nomnommonster 0

it was the syrup from their midnight snack.


BikerMike 0

that could have been your younger brother/sister

Ew... you might want to move out if they force YOU to have THAT job... if you have to see them every once in a while, you should 'come' to their place only once a week.

troyboyd05 0
michael32123 0

one time, I EATED something :) use teh propar grammur pl0x? engwish pwease

For your sake, I hope they were clear boogers. 

yourefreakindumb 0

I bet I can tell you what that sticky substance is...

is your picture really a pic of a cats ass hole?

if it's unknown then your life isnt ******, but of course you know it was your dads ****, so just say that unless you don't want to and are in denial about it.

mattthew 0

hum... your parents still have fun though... atleast you didn't walk in on them

Yep. Ask your parents to pay you for babysitting them.

noshtsherlock 0

hahahaha!!!!!!! FUNNNYYYEESSTTT shit i've read today

Uhhh. No you ******* did not have to pick that shit up, hope you're aware of that.

YDI for messing with your parents' trash

xshadyshadow 0

2, why do you have "animal parts" as your icon???

perdix 29

It was your dad's semen mixed with either your mom's vaginal secretions or her saliva if she gave him a ******** and spat. YWIA, I am always glad to help people identify unknown bodily fluids.

mshafty 0

Don't forget there could be some sweat mixed in there. Mom could have been working hard on dad and then gotten a nice jackson pollock on her face that had to be wiped up!!

doink 0

I wish I knew of your prowess the day I had to clean sticky fluids off the men's bathroom wall at work. Luckily, I put 2 and 2 together...

I feel dumb for asking, but what's YWIA?

doink 0
mshafty 0

Very true! the substance could get substantially more complicated also if a strap on was involved! Does mom like take charge and make dad a bottom OP?

Perdix comment threads are always the best... no one mentioned nasal secretions yet... perhaps he has really good aim... or is really small

@2 is your profile pic really one of a cats ass hole? WOW!

ummm, he didn't find evidence of that; he IS evidence of that.

coffeeshawtee 0

@ #7 Ah, shut up, you wouldn't want to pick your parents $h!t up, I know for a fact. Unless you plan on being a pedo when you get older & you're into that junk. She wasn't complaining. She was stating, "F!CK MY LIFE". That's what this website is for dumb @$$. You're the one complaining. At least that wasn't me, 'cause I would've been raising H3ll.

nomnommonster 0

it was the syrup from their midnight snack.

jinxthejinx 0

NO, YOU DIDN'T. i'll say it again... FOR CHRIST'S SAKE, NO, YOU DIDN'T!

spez86 0

Did you sniff it, too? Taste it?? Why touch the sticky stuff at all? Why not just use a clean tissue to pick it up?

PsychoMerk 0