By arrrrggggghhhh - 04/03/2009 23:38 - United States

Today, I realized that my roommate has been using my loofah to clean our toilet. I've been cleaning myself with the shit of four college boys for the last six months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 78 108
You deserved it 5 186

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is the most disgusting thing I've ever read.

That is unbelievably disgusting. Was it out of malice or is your roommate an idiot that doesn't know what a loofah is for?


lovemysnubber 0

um a guy is using a loofah?

Just a fun fact for you OP... look at the tag at the next loofah you buy. It says to replace it every 30 days.... YDI for not replacing your nasty loofah.

#70 #72 how does that make him gay?? I use a loofah when I shower.

This is the most disgusting thing I've ever read.

That is unbelievably disgusting. Was it out of malice or is your roommate an idiot that doesn't know what a loofah is for?

that's so wrong. didn't it look/smell dirty? especially after cleaning up after four guys!!

You need one of those little baskets to carry to and from the bathroom. When I had roommates, the only personal things I left in there were tampons. Also, your roommate is gross.

Revenge time! I think you should be using their bed linen as toilet paper... or take a shit in 4 seperate bags and hide one in each of their rooms. Alternatively you could just get them drunk and passed out, and then either fart in their mouths, rub your ass on their faces or put your balls/dick in their mouths.

mariluvs 0

that wuld b good revenge!!!XD

Revenge would be using their toothbrush to clean the toilette, after you've used it... as in USED IT, USED IT. They'll be cleaning their teeth with poopy! =) Sorry that happened to you. =(

knotyersn 0

wooow. cook em a pot of soup and throw the loofah in for seasoning. and #6, it would be so hard to shit in 4 separate bags. i would shit in their shoes

Seriously, you should replace your loofa every couple of months anyway. Think of all the dead skin living in that thing. You know, besides the fecal matter.

use their toothpastes to clean the toilet lol do it trust me.