By random - 13/05/2013 15:06 - United States

Today, I visited my grandparents at their farm. When I went to pee in the outhouse, I noticed a round thing in the middle of the hole, so I peed on it. It was a beehive. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 553
You deserved it 23 203

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damian95 16

Come on now what's all the buzz about? All this hostility stings and its buggin me. Lets bee nice and just focus on how stupid this pun is.


well, I seriously doubt any bears are going to be after that honey. and if there are and someone is in there, they're going to be in for quite a scare.

No! Not the bees! (Nicolas Cage reference) :P

NagainaFier 16

Referencing 101: do not immediately give away where the ref is from; it's like an inside joke. If you explain it, it's ruined for everyone involved.

Thanks lol I realized that later haha

rt567 15
Ypetrol 11

Why do they have in the bathroom?

roflstomp716 19

I think all stories go downhill when you say, "so I peed on it." :p

I think I find this so hilarious because I know a lot of people would do the EXACT same thing. I know I would have if I was you.

easteryegg 8

Next time you're in an outhouse, bee careful!

No! Not the bees! (Oddly enough, I was just shown this scene today!)