By 20 - 31/12/2009 00:28 - Australia

Today, after buying over $300 worth of food and alcohol, I found out all my friends aren't coming to my New Years party but headed to the BIG party at the local club. The one which I sold my ticket to after my friends convinced me to throw a party instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 085
You deserved it 3 118

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your friends are serious assholes, and that's a really shitty thing they did. It sounds like they almost planned it that way. I'd say throw the party anyway...invite family, neighbors, whoever the hell else you can think of. Open invitation, cheers to new friends! =]

BaBiiSpAnKy821 0


ydi for getting $300 of alcohol for a party when you are 20 years old

Your friends are serious assholes, and that's a really shitty thing they did. It sounds like they almost planned it that way. I'd say throw the party anyway...invite family, neighbors, whoever the hell else you can think of. Open invitation, cheers to new friends! =]

...not getting the humor in this comment. But okay. *smiles and nods*

agreed- ur friends r assholes- time for new ones

make urself feel better read wut else is on this site :)

BaBiiSpAnKy821 0

It's been mentioned already, but it bares repeating -- your friends are a bunch of assholes.

They seem like they put a lot of effort into ditching you. Why?

Well FYL... crappy friends, they owe u money