By jobless - 20/01/2009 16:52 - France

Today, I've been dating a girl for a year and she's only touched my penis twice. Once by accident. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 050
You deserved it 12 981

Same thing different taste

Top comments

infantrygirl 0

Oh, shut up. If you can't stand to be with a girl who has morals, you don't deserve her.

popcorn_fml 0

it may be hard for some of you to believe but you CAN have a relationship without sex.


icecreamandcooki 0

Or maybe, she's not a *****. Thought of that?

zakkyzebra 11

some people don't understand sarcasm. kthxbai.

Not every girl wants to touch her boyfriend or be sexually involved.

That's not really an Fml. Not everyone has sex with every boyfriend or girlfriend they get.

LMAO coolest kid! your the definition of "white trash".

oh wait your a mexican, that explains it better. pretty much all beaners are trash

Ever think you might be doing something wrong?

I hope you're lieke 12, 'cause if you're not, fyld.