By Anonymous - 06/11/2012 18:34 - United States - Erie

Today, after being a germaphobe for almost ten years and refusing to go out to restaurants because of it, I finally had the courage to face my fear, and went to dinner with my family. After three bites into my salad, I found a dead bug in it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 172
You deserved it 3 413

Same thing different taste

Top comments

holyshitbatman 20

id own that restaurant by the time we got out of court. that's DISGUSTING and i hope you filed a complaint with the local health department

unknown_user5566 26

Think about it this way: you faced one of the worst scenarios possible, and lived through it. Don't give up just yet. I'm sure if you tried again, you'd have a much better experience, and be well on your way to conquering your phobia.


holyshitbatman 20

id own that restaurant by the time we got out of court. that's DISGUSTING and i hope you filed a complaint with the local health department

bigtaytay 13

Sue them, that way u won't have to go out again AND you'll have money!

During because you found a bug in your salad. Man up, vegetables grow outside, it happens. I'm guessing it was brought in pre washed like at most restaurants.

It's a restaurant that should have strict controls on hygiene. It shouldn't be one of those things that just "happens".

thatKidzmOm 10

I've never found a bug in my food that i make myself...why should it be ok when it's food someone else made? It's not ok and it's ******* gross!

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That's gross for anyone to find! Germaphobe or not!

It's just a little protein don't worry about it

I see most have never worked in a restaurant. There are much bigger things to worry about. I try to go to open kitchen restaurants only, after working 10 yrs as a kid in them.

Most countries have guidelines on the acceptable level of animal matter in food for human consumption. (Google how much rat hair their can be in peanut butter). It's pretty gross but you're unlikely to win a huge payout for finding a bug in salad.

I agree 53... It happens. At my dad restaurants we wash everything twice before cooking. Even then you can possibly check every single lettuce leave. What you cook at home has less of a chance to have a bug because the amount of food you are cooking is minimal. You can easily spot something. In a restaurant it's a different ball game, it's food to serve ALOT of people. If it happens people just point it out and we exchange it in an instant. Its a bug people, it's not going to kill you.

Exactly! Especially if its FRESH FARM FOOD lettuce grows in the ground..bugs come in the food ALL THE TIME..pick it out, get a new one, get over it..bugs are just frowned upon bc of our uptight ignorant American culture full of dumbass people who rather eat food full of poisonous chemicals to keep natural bugs off...they are chock full of nutrients and means the plants your eating are actually good if they choose to eat it....being a germafobe is dumb anyway you're breeding yourself to be a weak individual and your children will be born with weak immune systems and not be able to fight off simple shit..go **** yourself OP

cradle6 13

Hey #1, I don't think you want to own that restaurant. I heard that they have bugs in their food.

It happens my ass. This is food WE, the customers, eat. "It happens" is not an excuse for feeding people bugs.

How many bug body parts are allowed in a chocolate bar? I dare you to google it. I DARE you. Haha.

Consumerism is love. consumerism is life.

Inheritance 10

It's very gross, but bright side you can complain about it. Or they can make you a deal; such as free meals for not getting told on. So there is a plus to this negative.

They almost ate a bug! That's a negative.

If you found a bug in your food, 28, would you really accept meals from the same place, free or not? :/

Gross, yes. But technically not a germ? Bright side! :D

Inheritance 10

If its a nice expensive Restraunt, yes. You may never know it could never happen again.

cajekraze 7

Imagine things from the bugs perspective, how horrifying

It's truly amazing, when this shit doesn't usually happen to anyone else other than the ones with the phobias.

42- Yes, like studies show that you are more likely to find a spider in your room if you are afraid of them

Personally I prefer insects with butter, not honey but whatever floats your boat.

Did anyone else read this in a voice from HIMYM from that episode with Katy Perry? I just watched it 1 hour ago! :|

yodas0da 12

Protein! haha jk, that's nasty, but don't let this stop you from socializing(:

I found a huge black dead fly sitting right on top of my salad once, and when we told the waitress, she just laughed said "oh haha extra protein" and then walked away.

one_of_a_kind 5

Don't let that stop you again..that was just very coincidental...

unknown_user5566 26

Think about it this way: you faced one of the worst scenarios possible, and lived through it. Don't give up just yet. I'm sure if you tried again, you'd have a much better experience, and be well on your way to conquering your phobia.

ruabadfishtoo 0

This would be off putting for a while. I once found a dead fly in a salad from Costco and I havent bought packaged salads in a while.

estes816 9