By hjgjh - 27/04/2009 06:14 - United States

Today, an ant bit my penis. That was the first 'mouth' to ever touch it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 97 591
You deserved it 23 397

Same thing different taste

Top comments

did you return the favour? bet you didn't you selfish bastard

ZiggyMorrison 0

hahahahaha well depending on your age I wouldnt worry too much perhaps your 12 in which case you've got plenty of time that sounds kinda painful though did it atleast swallow?


wow that sucks. how could an ant bite your penis? wouldn't you feel it crawling up your leg?

luis420 0

lol yeah I was thinking the same

eh, the first mouth to touch mine was a spider's while I was asleep, but I was 10 :)

maybe they were doing nude pushups in the middle of the park while listening 2 duran duran. I do it all the time

flighted 1

who ever feels ants crawling on them? they're not the heaviest of creatures........

How old is this guy. if yes 25+ then his life sucks

ZiggyMorrison 0

hahahahaha well depending on your age I wouldnt worry too much perhaps your 12 in which case you've got plenty of time that sounds kinda painful though did it atleast swallow?

What kind of response is that on FML? "Dude, get over it."

Gulsah 0

ahahah FYL cause that probably hurttt ant bites hurttt

I wouldn't worry about it. No matter how short it was at least you got some from an ant.

YDI for being such a fat pussy. Now go to the gym so girls will like you.

I always give dumb fake fml's like this a YDI

More importantly why was an ant on your penis and how did it get there?

flighted 1

....crawled up his leg maybe?