By Anonymous - 30/04/2009 02:03 - United States

Today, I turned 35. I was given my first-ever orgasm by the best lover I've ever had: a massaging shower head from Wal-Mart. That I bought for myself. It was the only gift I received. FML
I agree, your life sucks 110 211
You deserved it 17 606

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kate08_fml 0

that is a serious FML comment right there. F your life ... seriously

silkee_shiny 0


I don't know why everyone is being so unsympathetic about not having had an ******. For some people it can be extremely difficult for some women, for countless reasons, and NOT for lack of trying!

rachelbrianna25 0

I so agree with # 8. next year u should mail it to yourself. wow though. u are 35 & just now got an ******. damn u have been missing out for awhile... I mean Happy Birthday.

112 - Couldn't you buy one online, assuming you have your own debit card? That was my strategy when I was 17, anyway.. :P

exthalion 0

You deserved it because it took you 35 years. Really, I'm happy for you, you deserved one

codyl 0

I'm with # 42. There is absolutely a man, or even multiple men, that will have sex with any one woman at any time during the day. It's a fact.

Erm, I'm guessing if that was her first ****** it isn't as easy as saying 'oh get yourself a man'. I've had very good lovers, and I still haven't had an ******. For some girls it's just biologically impossible, or at least extremely diffcult to achieve. Vibrator, no help. Sex therapist, no help. I'll probably consider myself lucky if I can get there by 35 to be honest, starting to lose hope. Happy Birthday!

This is what you get for your abstinence-only programs.

Wow your life sounds depressing. FYL indeed. You need to get out more.

oh... i think this is one of the genuinely saddest FMLs I've ever read. ...Hire a prostitute?