By Anonymous - 20/12/2016 12:22

Today, I got promoted to a management position. After work, I went for a drink with my co-manager and a few of our colleagues, where they discussed their plans to take Ecstasy before/during our work Christmas party. Wonderful. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 051
You deserved it 727

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not much you can do about that - reporting them based on a conversation won't achieve anything and you'll just be hated.

You should talk them out of it! Say it's bad for you! Never take drugs!


You should talk them out of it! Say it's bad for you! Never take drugs!

Stay away from Advil and Tylenol!!! Drugs are bad mkay

It's their life, you're encouraging control freak behavior. Also as someone pointed out "drugs are bad" is just silly. They all have pros and cons, and while ecstasy probably has more cons than pros, to lump in everything else in the same category isn't exactly rational. Anti-inflammatories do more good than bad, for example.

Meh, I wouldn't say that's too bad. read up on how it works and control them. after the party, let them know that this behaviour will not be tolerated in the future.

It's not too bad? I think you should read up on it. They could die taking just one.

Not much you can do about that - reporting them based on a conversation won't achieve anything and you'll just be hated.

If it's a hard pill don't join them. If it's crystals in a capsule go ahead if you want to. But don't let anyone pressure you into doing anything.

Because doing any sort of illicit drugs right after being promoted to a higher position is *such* a great idea...

A chemical testing kit is the only reliable way to know what you're getting into actually. Multiple drugs come in a "crystal" form and literally anything can be put into a press pill.

Here's hoping this was a prank to welcome you to management. Either way, you're still better off than if you had to collect a stool specimen in your hand.

Just let them know you won't be their baby sitter or take any responsibility for them, and let them make asses of themselves. It's annoying but it's best for you to just let them, cause you gotta work with them.

"So what do your Christmas ecstasy plans look like?" "I plan on taking none." "And you?" "None as well." "Righto, how about you, Mrs. Recent Promotion?" "Uh, also none…" "Excellent! It's settled: we'll all take no ecstasy together! I can barely contain my excitement!"

jesus christ calm down lady, they're not planning on chasing the dragon in the bathroom or anything. E's pretty tame.

Talk about Roofies in a Bill Cosby voice. They'll leave you alone after that.