By latino14 - 15/06/2012 11:27 - United States - Annapolis

Today, I tried to go to the gym, but I ended up watching cat videos on YouTube for three hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 135
You deserved it 39 410

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheFamilyElf 17

You're not alone. The cats of YouTube have distracted us all at some point.


Go to a gym that has wifi that way you can work out and watch cat videos.

lizzys1972 3
TheIchiban 11

Just get a cat, so you can exercise with it, like having it chase a ribbon, and just run around your house and watch it fail. Cats always fail, and its funny.

Try harder. You just need to go! Treat the gym like any other appointment or stupid meeting you have to go to, even though watching cats on you tube is more productive. If you are just starting out, don't push too much. Pick a somewhat easy starting point and build from there. If you are hurting yourself, you are over doing it.

Story of my life... And probably waaaay too many other people.

Why is this even on here this isn't FML this is yur dumb!

Hahaha! I've so been there OP. Sometimes we just have to give ourselves a break.