Paws for thought

By Anonymous - 27/08/2023 06:00 - Germany

Today, I was trying to exercise while having to keep my cat inside. Turns out it’s impossible to do pull-ups when a cute kitty is sitting on top of the ledge you’re holding on to, thinking you’re playing peekaboo and trying to slap your silly face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 509
You deserved it 206

Same thing different taste

Top comments

After a couple scratches on the face, you'll get it. Cats can be asshats sometimes. That doesn't mean we don't love them.


This is why we sit on the couch and watch TV.

I'm torn on this one. You have a kitten so your life does not suck. And I'm not voting ydi because if you complain about your kitten you don't deserve it!

After a couple scratches on the face, you'll get it. Cats can be asshats sometimes. That doesn't mean we don't love them.

Lillanthae34 7