By Andrew - 20/04/2011 16:31 - United States

Today, I tried to get my wife to have sex with me, she told me she couldn't because she had her period. She's two months pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 381
You deserved it 11 721

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She just didn't want the baby to be poked by your ****.

Some women keep having periods when they are pregnant, maybe she is one of them.


Intermittent bleeding (if not a period) isn't uncommon during pregnancy. It sounds like you should do some reading up on what to expect during her pregnancy. Be a supportive husband, give her the option to say no guilt-free, and be a prepared father.

This could go multiple ways. She doesn't want to have sex with you, or she doesn't want to hurt the baby (which sex doesn't), she could've lost the baby or she never was pregnant in the first place... so.

Some women can have a period still during pregnancy. It's rare but it does happen

she's having your baby, dude. i think you need to chill out. trust me, pregnancy hormones make people even crazier (aka bitchier) than period hormones. i'd say just do what she says. if you don't like it, you have the baby next time.

not all pregnant women get bitchier. it varies for woman to woman. some get very very bitchy and others are overly happy

RainbowHeadache 2

Pregnant women are notorious liars. It's a scientific fact.

mintcar 9
NoellleBuddy 0

OMG! wth is wrong with ur face in the profile pic? @ 20...if that's ur REAL birth year, u should b grown up enough not to make dumb 12 yr old faces in ur pics...or maybe u think u can disguise ur looks by doing a puffer fish imitation...either way....WOW!

sar12795 0

dude if she was 2 months pregnant you shouldn't be having sex with her if you want your kid to turn out normal