By Anonymous - 24/04/2015 17:39 - Qatar - Doha

Today, my boss's incompetent, lazy son got another raise. He only started working here five months ago. Since then he's been promoted twice and given a Bentley as a company car. All this while company profits are in the shitter and the rest of us are facing a wave of layoffs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 231
You deserved it 2 084

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That really pisses me off. You spoil your kid rotten, that's your choice. But when you start calling him an "employee", that's just insulting to people who actually work for a living.

That's really ****** up. Here's hoping you find a better company when this one inevitably goes under, OP.


but thats reality. Better start looking for another job OP

in this works it isn't what you know, but the people you know.

That's just messed up, hope you find a new job.

#42 I think it goes- "It's not what you know, it's who you know" The other goes- "It's not who know, it's who you blow" Sorry, had to reply, that mess you wrote was just confusing.

I work in an overpriced restaurant. My boss and his soon eat all day and sit on their phones, yet we are not allowed phones whatsoever in the kitchen and have to pay ridiculous prices for food

That's really ****** up. Here's hoping you find a better company when this one inevitably goes under, OP.

Quit! Or demand a raise! FYL indeed! Hope you get a better job OP!

Dude just quit if you don't like it there... Simple as that...

The problem is that some people can't "just quit". If op had another job, I'm sure it wouldnt be an issue, but some people can't afford to quit their jobs.

#3, in the real world, where 98% of us live, there isn't a job waiting for you when your current one is no longer to your liking.

Yeah, I mean, you couldn't possibly need to indulge in such silliness as food or rent, right OP?

Nepotism at it's worst.. Don't worry, it'll come back to bite them when the company goes belly up

It's the Middle East what'd you expect

Bomb the building? I'm sure it would be blamed on someone else

That really pisses me off. You spoil your kid rotten, that's your choice. But when you start calling him an "employee", that's just insulting to people who actually work for a living.

Unless you're like Red Foreman and treat your son as just another employee... and stick a boot up their ass if they **** up.

Maybe brush up your resume. Sounds like a crap place to work. :-(

Well, this happens all the time. Family always comes first.

Tell that to the creepy uncle in the more recent FML.

@16 I'm sure he had plans to make family "cum" first too!