By vanilla_blossom - 05/01/2016 18:49 - United States - Jackson

Today, I tried asking a guy I like on a date. He turned me down, saying that I "seem like a nice person and all", but after seeing those reality shows on truTV, he "would rather not date a Russian. No offense, though." FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 263
You deserved it 1 573

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you were Russian away from him fast, what an asshole you deserve better

You're definitely better off having not dated such a discriminatory asshole.


Your in the US I thought hate for Russians was more of European gamer thing.

That's horrible I love Russian women that guys an idiot

Dodged a bullet from that ass hole op.

I would definitely. Russian woman are strong and beautiful and have always attracted me. You'll find someone who appreciates you, I'm sure.

papabear88 6

He did you a favor, if he watches reality shows he is most likely a moron

etex33 0

His loss. I think Russians are really cool