By all puked out - 13/07/2014 21:14 - Netherlands

Today, I saw a drunk woman drop her purse in the street. I picked it up and went to give it to her, only for her to scream at me for being a thief. Then she started crying, apologized and hugged me, then got angry again, and finally threw up on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 778
You deserved it 4 338

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did she offer to help you get clean at least? It's possible she was having a terrible day and accidentally aimed her anger at you.

Quick! Buy a lottery ticket. I've heard that's good luck.


No good deed goes unpunished my friend. Perhaps she was trying to drink away her menstrual instability as well?

Did she offer to help you get clean at least? It's possible she was having a terrible day and accidentally aimed her anger at you.

Well it did say in the post that she was drunk. Who the hell knows what made her drink in the first place.

incoherentrmblr 21

40 Year Old Virgin all over again...

She literally aimed her anger at the OP.

Anger wasn't the only thing she aimed at him

I think that's what #32 was intending to say

Quick! Buy a lottery ticket. I've heard that's good luck.

I don't think there is anything lucky about being thrown up on.

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Considering the FML starts with "Today, I saw a drunk woman..." I'm gonna go with wasted. And let's all hope she's not pregnant as well.

Man, she was probably just having a horrible day. You could take an implication that since she was drunk, she might've been trying to get something off her mind, & then this little incident got her all flustered. She may just have overreacted & gotten angry at first because she wasn't having the 'best of times', then realized she was overreacting, apologized, & freaked out again. It's called being bipolar; it happens. Hope she gets better, & sorry you had to deal with that, OP.

Or she could have just been a regular drunk. A lot of people get emotional and have crazy mood swings while they are drunk.

I know, #25, & I hear you. I'm just sayin', some people don't think about the other persons point of view sometimes. Have you ever just had one of 'those' days?

You don't get bipolar by being drunk or having a bad day. Either you have the disorder or you don't.

That's nasty did she help you out after

I don't think alcohol is a drug.. Poison maybe

inner_peace 19

#33 a drug is any substance that can be taken that alters the body or mind in any way. Alcohol is categorized as a depressant, which is a type of drug.

srudez 14

at least you got hugged....

This is one of the most WTF FMLs I've ever read.

She's probably confused before she got drunk as to whether to be happy or angry that Netherlands obtain 3rd place in World Cup.

How long did you stay there to see so many emotions!?

Probably not long, drunk people can go through a whole range of emotions in a short space of time.