By notanightowlanymore - 05/01/2016 17:44 - United States - Clyde

Today, my grandfather showed up at my house in a panic. He rushed over, with a gun, because I wasn't answering his texts and he thought something had happened to me. I was asleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 312
You deserved it 2 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No better alarm clock than a crazy old guy with a gun!!! You'll be out of your bed and out the door before you can say "Don't shoot me Gramps!"


No better alarm clock than a crazy old guy with a gun!!! You'll be out of your bed and out the door before you can say "Don't shoot me Gramps!"

There's a difference between caring and being irrationally possessive. If my grandfather did this, I'd be upset and truly scared.

Although I agree with what you said, 10, we don't know the whole story It's kinda sweet that the grandpa did this, but at the same time we need more information on why he would do something so rash

Hey, you know gramps got your back if something ever did happen!

that would be very useful should you ever become a hostage in your home for whatever reason

Good thing your significant other wasn't leaving at the time!

this was the first thought that came to my mind. would not want to be in the position of her bf/loved one leaving at that moment (if dat had been the case)

Or anyone at all, including friends. He seems like a veritable man, and guaranteed backup in case shit hits the fan. But yeah, just barging on in at 1 am without any indication that something happened is a bit over the top.

mds9986 24

It sounds like you need to start looking for a home for your grandfather. Probably one involving straight jackets and a cushioned room.

ourtneyc 14

he sounds like a pretty badass grandpa to go over there and be ready to take on anyone messing with you. even if you were just sleeping, at least you got a grandpa who's got your back!