By NotRussian - 03/10/2011 04:15 - United States

Today, I had a blind date with a really cute guy. Just when I was about to invite him back to my place for a nightcap, he took out a catalog of Russian mail-order brides and asked for my help in picking out the best one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 008
You deserved it 3 450

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Buttsexpirate 9

Aww you to are already making decisions together! Haha don't fall too much in love you crazy kids it's only the first date.

abceasyas123abc 12

Maybe this was his way of escaping a bad date which was about to get worse?


Buttsexpirate 9

Aww you to are already making decisions together! Haha don't fall too much in love you crazy kids it's only the first date.

She must have been boring as hell for him to pull out an excuse like that.

LiveLaughFML 10

"i don't understand the handwriting." "they're Russian." "i don't care how fast they were going!"

abceasyas123abc 12

Maybe this was his way of escaping a bad date which was about to get worse?

actingbro 3

I'm using that next time I have a bad date lol

ChrisTheCalm 9
ChrisTheCalm 9

Yeah why would she do that. I was talking about leaving that guy. You're a moron.

haha probably yeah just to act as if she didn't care.

sexylol_fml 4

I would of just picked the ugliest one!

44 nice pict. Straight off google images? Thats where my friend got that pict too

Hey, he's just looking for a good third in bed. Cut a guy some slack!

mishkaroni 15

That's always a sign the date went well

nonelikeworms 0

They have those? I have no idea how to get one.

saIty 17

"Ooo the one with the flamethrower looks nice!"

btnhdude 0

In russia, these jokes are new!