By lilmamma - 05/11/2010 17:29 - United States

Today, I took my four year old son to the playground. When it was time to go, he squirmed out of my arms back to the jungle gym. Not being the type of mother to put up with bad behavior, I swatted his rear and told him we had to go. That's when I realized I'd just spanked the wrong child who was wearing the same coat as my son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 139
You deserved it 50 382

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i bet that went done well with the Kids mother.....

Forever, you can't compare molestation and spanking. I was spanked as a child, and I'm not brainwashed or scarred. I have a 4 year old, and while I have not spanked her, once she is old enough to know right from wrong, I will if I need to. Corporal punishment will not land you in jail. Beating your child will. But spanking, no. And I like how you used both "their" and "there" incorrectly in the same sentence. That was amusing.


zach055 23
vballchick101 0

First, spanking in like child abuse! ._. And you can't recognize your own son? O.o

jeniaisling 6

You liberal anti corporate punishment idiots are hilariously and very tragically just plain stupid. Get a ******* brain and stop repeating the same Pansy assed, misspelled rants ever. Dipshits.

SarahMarie83 0

I may be liberal but I completely support corporate punishment for children. It's such a revolutionary idea. I just put the little carpet surfer in an Italian suit and make him play golf in his pretend office all day, with only a two hour lunch. It doesn't seem to be working though...

CheshireHalli 19

I find it funny that she is bitching about misspelled rants, and uses wrong words. :) I'm all for a swat, but there are limits (full-on beating, etc.). You should definitely make sure it is YOUR child though. lol. That being said, OP: You are stupid. Not only did you swat your four year old for wanting to play, but you got the wrong child. Why? Because he had the same coat as your child. Unless he's a practical twin, you are a shitty mother. :)

omg.. this 'he only wanted to play' bs is not an excuse.. he refused to stop playing after he was told it was time to leave (this is if it was her own son, and ignoring the fact that he squirmed because some stranger was holding onto him). Defying your parents 'because you feel like doing something else' is what will make you gro up a self-obsessed, un-empathetic asshole with no regard for authority or anyone elses feelings. It starts young. If you give into your kids everytime they feel like doing something else, good luck

CheshireHalli 19

Actually, nerdface, while yes, it could be seen as bad behavior, it's not one to be swatted for. And thanks for the sweeping generalization. :) Not all kids who aren't spanked for everything turn out like that. I know children who weren't spanked who grew up the exact opposite because their parents knew what WORKED. If spanking didn't work, they would explain to them what they did wrong, what would happen if they did it again. And guess what? They didn't. :)

oh my god spanking isn't child abuse beating the shit out of the kid is!!! if a child needs a spank to correct them that's fine I'm sure most of our parents spanked us if we were bold and it never done any harm... political correctness is going too far that's why there are so many thugs running around parents are afraid to be parents cause of labelling like that!! but spanking the wrong child lol hope u were bigger than the other mother

I nominate you for the "Attentive Mother Of The Year" award

Mann, the hell with yall soft ass "put the child in timeout" parents. Sometimes kids need their asses beat.

how bout if I swat your rear everytime you don't get out of my jungle?

how bout if I swat your rear everytime you don't get out of my jungle?