By lilmamma - 05/11/2010 17:29 - United States

Today, I took my four year old son to the playground. When it was time to go, he squirmed out of my arms back to the jungle gym. Not being the type of mother to put up with bad behavior, I swatted his rear and told him we had to go. That's when I realized I'd just spanked the wrong child who was wearing the same coat as my son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 139
You deserved it 50 385

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i bet that went done well with the Kids mother.....

Forever, you can't compare molestation and spanking. I was spanked as a child, and I'm not brainwashed or scarred. I have a 4 year old, and while I have not spanked her, once she is old enough to know right from wrong, I will if I need to. Corporal punishment will not land you in jail. Beating your child will. But spanking, no. And I like how you used both "their" and "there" incorrectly in the same sentence. That was amusing.


Wow that sucks...that was really stuped

IHeart______8D 0

wouldn't you recognize you own son?

dtegrl 0

You obviously don't know how to communicate with your child. It's people like you that raise kids that grow up to hit other people with no remorse. Get a clue moron!

wastingmax 0

all you idiot parents who disagree with spanking obviously litsen to the books written by man i mean seriously you probrably all have some how to be a parent book written by dr phil who is a fail and is retarted. Spank your children i mean cmon when do you ever see a child that is spanked on a nanny show its always the ones who go to "timeout" your all retarted and your kids are prob spoiled brats who are gonna do something stupid and get killed or go to jail cause they have no discipline i cant stand retard ppl who dont understand that timeouts dont work so if i cuss u out ur gonna send me to a timeout for ten minutes that doesnt deter me from not doing it again cause i dont care about being in a timeout but i dont want a whoopin cause it hurt. and you all obviously arent christians cause doesnt the bible say spare the rod. your all a bunch of quacks and your children are gonna give you whats coming to you and i hope they do

First of all, you should never touch your children in an agressive manner and second, if i were the mother of the child you did spank i would sue you!

I got my lashings from my southern grandma when ever I miss behaved. It taught me not to swing back because grandpa is going to join in, and then mom (if she finds out I swung at grandpa too)XD! No really, though, if people are so easily phased by being punished then they need to grow a pair. I wasn't a bully, I don't hit others, I don't even act out--and when I see others acting ridiculous and blame it on their upbringing, I just get annoyed. If you aren't strong enough then just say so. Life is hard, but to really blame your parents for your failure? Just another excuse. I made the choice to not be like them and that's that! Even to this day, I'd pick getting my lashes than getting grounded. The physical wounds go away, but the mental turmoil of being shut off and treated like shit for a week ~ or a month is just wayyy worse.

YDI for hitting your children. It is possible to teach children to behave without hitting them. If you don't have the authority to punish them without physically harming them, then you fail as a parent.

hmarie88 0

beating is abuse, a spat on the bottom isn't. Thts y there r so many hoodlums runnin around! sometimes talking doesnt work.

you're disgusting I hope that kids mom punched you even if it was your own child hitting it is still a form of child abuse

the kid is lucky he only gets spanked, my mom used to jump me then she made me put my knees in rice until it bleeds lucky kid :(

Does she have an active case with COS? Cuz she might.