By lilmamma - 05/11/2010 17:29 - United States

Today, I took my four year old son to the playground. When it was time to go, he squirmed out of my arms back to the jungle gym. Not being the type of mother to put up with bad behavior, I swatted his rear and told him we had to go. That's when I realized I'd just spanked the wrong child who was wearing the same coat as my son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 139
You deserved it 50 382

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i bet that went done well with the Kids mother.....

Forever, you can't compare molestation and spanking. I was spanked as a child, and I'm not brainwashed or scarred. I have a 4 year old, and while I have not spanked her, once she is old enough to know right from wrong, I will if I need to. Corporal punishment will not land you in jail. Beating your child will. But spanking, no. And I like how you used both "their" and "there" incorrectly in the same sentence. That was amusing.


you DO realize that spanking counts as child abuse and is a crime right?

God I hope you never have kids if you're this retarded.

hmarie88 0

spanking is NOT child abuse. if it leaves a mark then yes, bt other than Tht it's jst discipline.

usually I'm all for hitting kids, but that's just bs, and u tried to make up an excuse, if he vomited on you, you would have the right to hit him, but for that?

you shouldn't spank any child it's physical abuse.

shinco_fml 0

I was beaten several times with multiple trauma-issues, and I only developed several phobias, failed suicide attempts, deep enmity upwards my parents, and social awkwardness. I still misbehave, I still do things that I was beaten for, and I don't think that rules always have to be obeyed, especially when your parent is some crazy, strict-ass ****, but as for trying to kill myself, that's in the past, and I'm used to being shit scared of being in this house, and to be honest, my life is great. I'm completely fine for now because I can compensate for these things by socializing and drawing. for me, being punished only caused me to go into a depression, which leads into being overwhelmed and inactive. but that's just me years ago. and i still get beaten.

YDI for abusing your child.. violence is never the answer, no matter how tame it may seem

not being the type of mother to tolerate bad behaviour=good, not being the type of mother that can recognise their own child=very bad... YDI

Wow. I can't believe how ignorant some people are these days.. you don't know you're own son well enough from behind?

tony55_fml 0

undrsose your a pussy and bad kids dont get spanked thats why they are bad

I have a feeling you used the word "swat" to downplay what actually happened so you sound marginally better and am judging as such! in Canada you could be charged with assault of a child, it is illegal to touch any child not yours, so good luck, and also resorting to physical violence when you are frustrated only teaches your child the same, and to fear you! do you really want your child to FEAR you!? think about that...

wastingmax 0

your retarted ive been spanked all my life and i dont fear my parents if i do something wrong and they give me a timeout that doesnt deter me at all whats a timeout sitting in a corner for 10 minutes i dont care if that happens so ill just do it again but i dont want a whooping so im not gonna do it again. your kids are prob spoiled little brats. i guarantee it

yipee 0

ur a HORRIBLE mother for hit tour children and 2. you couldnt even recognize your own child