By still had to pay - 23/12/2012 21:36 - Australia

Today, I took my 5-year old daughter to get a photo taken with Santa, when she asked the dreaded question of why this Santa looked different from one at the other store. Before I could placate her, some cunt of a kid yelled, "Because he's not real, dumbass!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 572
You deserved it 6 269

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I am guessing that kid has been on the naughty list for a while.

That's what happens when you lie to kids. Someone eventually tells them the truth. YDI

Obey_StudBoii 23

If I were that childs parent I'd smack em behind the head for saying that.

amazingamelia 4

i feel like i read this a couple days ago? no? maybe? lol

if it was my child who heard that, I would have said "that child was probably bad and doesn't believe because Santa didn't bring him gifts last year. and Santa and his elves are very busy right now and this is one of his helpers who is going to take your Christmas list to him in the north pole!" that way you explain why the kid yelled out and why he looks different.

Better that kid than finding out "mommy" was a liar the while time!

Jordath_Fil 11

Come on you know you can turn this one around!!

ideasrule 13

The Santa story is nothing but a control mechanism used by parents to scare their kids into mindless obedience. He sees you when you're sleeping? He knows when you're awake? Seriously, who would tolerate such a complete invasion of privacy? Morality is what you do when nobody is watching. If you teach your kids to behave morally because of fear and not for the sake of being moral, something is seriously wrong with your parenting. The world is wonderful enough that there's no need to make things up. Tell kids about the thousands of exoplanets astronomers have discovered, or the origin of humans, or ancient civilizations. Maybe tell them about the fact that we live in the most prosperous and peaceful world that ever existed. Those are stories they'll never have to give up, because they're absolutely true.

brand2017 9

Can i live in your world? Cuz Earth ******* sucks. All the greedy politicians, pointless wars, squabbling over each other like maggots to claim the ranks of our businesses. Children turning into angsty little fuckhobits, etc. i can go on for hours. So either you arent from this planet or you're on some pretty awesome drugs. SHARE DAMMIT!

ideasrule 13

Some statistics: 1. In the last 20 years, the global poverty rate has fallen from 50% to 20% and continues to decrease. This is the fastest increase in prosperity the world has ever known. 2. The global homocide rate is now 6.9 per 100,000 per anum, down from 7.4 in 2004 and 10.4 in 1990 3. 3 of the world's 6 continents--North America, South America, and Europe--have no war amongst themselves and no famine, the first time in human history for which this has been true 4. The world is becoming increasingly democratic. As the fall of monarchies, dictatorships, and Communist regimes reveal (think Arab Spring), democracy is increasingly becoming the only legitimate form of government. 5. Today, the average person in the world lives in a rented apartment in a stable semi-democracy, with no possibility of war or famine and little possibility of being brutalized by the state. He has a phone, bikes or takes the bus to work, shops at well-stocked supermarkets, and watches TV at home. His country's economy is growing at an impressive rate, in excess of 5% a year, giving hope to a once-impoverished nation. He faces a bright future where global prosperity will be a reality, and global peace a real possibility.

brand2017 9

Mankind's very nature will prevent peace. It is in the nature of man to fight and seek power. Because of this, peace will be nearly impossible to achieve. It may sound pessimistic, but it is the truth. Our primal instincts are to fight, flee, and provide for ourselves and our families.

Yes, and this is different from religion how? That said, I'm sorry, OP, that your kid's Christmas was ruined by a little snotbag of a kid. Granted kids have to find out sometime, but preferably in a nicer way than that.