By I said whaat - 18/12/2012 16:50

Today, I was in the mall for the second day in a row with my 7-year-old brother. As we walked past Santa he asked me, "Why does Santa look different today"? Not thinking, I said, "Because each mall has a different Santa." FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 167
You deserved it 36 854

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Am I the only one who wonders what happened next?

This is a great time when the old, "The mall Santas are just Santa's helpers" would come in!


Kenton1008 21

The pressure of being first must have gotten to you. Oh, good. You edited your comment. To those who don't know, they had "Hi." just written down.

Some people just really want to be the centre of attention, and first.

Am I the only one who wonders what happened next?

There was a kid riot. They lead a revolt for the main santa!

OP proceeded to falcon punch everyone he saw so he could receive the best holiday sales

56 - Nice reference. I laughed. I'm a horrible person.

Comment moderated for rule-breaking.

Show it anyway

Then he would look the the kid wouldn't have even asked that.......... And this fml wouldn't exist.....

RvidxrKlvn 8

Only his clothes got cloned yeah that's it...

This is a great time when the old, "The mall Santas are just Santa's helpers" would come in!

drayloon 50

there's another santa claus, there's another santa claus there's another santa claus thereeee there's another santa claus, there's another santa claus there's santas everywhereeeeee

Wait a ruin his childhood Op. But I bet it was hard explaining why Santa is black today.

He had to know at sometime! Saves the trouble for your parents.

Eh. I believed until I was 14. After that all the magic of Xmas poofed. :(

I believed until I was in sixth grade, and the bastard kids in my grade literally screamed in my face that Santa was not real. Kinda hard to believe after an incident like that.

The books I read when I was around 7 or 8 made me doubt...

Just say its Santa's bothers helping out with the holiday rush!!!

dirton89 7

You'll get the hang of FML soon you're young...I mean unless you got Tourette's syndrome then say whatever you want.

LOL, he had such a stupid and pointless comment. Not relevant whatsoever.

Relevant or not, whenever I see the italicized "comment moderated" I just have to know what the person said. I go through the thread forever trying to figure it out. And I'm not asking anyone to repeat it. It was moderated for a reason, and I think you can get banned for reposting stuff like that...

Well, it was one word, and it's a part of the female body. I didn't exactly say it what it was, and my hint was pretty easy.

Personally, I accept that there may be Santa impostors. That's why I've made it my life's work to take a photo with every bearded old man I see; I'm going to catch the real Santa sooner or later.

How will you know the real one when you catch him?

what if you've already taken a photo with the real santa and not noticed?