He's not??

By Anonymous - 22/12/2023 08:00

Today, my daughter ran up to an old man with a white beard and a red sweater because she thought he might be Santa. He was a homeless dude, drunk at 9 in the morning. He told her to either give him money or f**k off, then screamed at her that "Santa’s not real, grow up r*tard." She’s still crying FML
I agree, your life sucks 587
You deserved it 226

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What a jerk! ... Depending on the age and intellectual development of the child, it's generally not wise to play along with the Santa myth once the child is old enough to understand things - I would say the age of 6 or 7 should definitely be the end of the deception. By that age children normally have enough intellectual development that they can cooperate "keep the secret" from their much younger siblings and understand what is going on. And they will also be in school and hearing from other children. However even children that age may be playing along with the myth even though they know better because they don't want to rock the sleigh that brings the presents... Think about it, our culture tells children about a magical fat man who delivers presents all over the world in one night - but only after they are asleep. Everyone on TV treats this as if it were gospel - Including the news! It's obviously impossible even to a clever child. Does this reinforce trust in their parents to tell them the truth? ... Don't misunderstand, I am a father and when my children were little there were presents under the tree on Christmas morning. But I was always uncomfortable with the charade even though I wanted my children to enjoy the presents and fun of the season.


What a jerk! ... Depending on the age and intellectual development of the child, it's generally not wise to play along with the Santa myth once the child is old enough to understand things - I would say the age of 6 or 7 should definitely be the end of the deception. By that age children normally have enough intellectual development that they can cooperate "keep the secret" from their much younger siblings and understand what is going on. And they will also be in school and hearing from other children. However even children that age may be playing along with the myth even though they know better because they don't want to rock the sleigh that brings the presents... Think about it, our culture tells children about a magical fat man who delivers presents all over the world in one night - but only after they are asleep. Everyone on TV treats this as if it were gospel - Including the news! It's obviously impossible even to a clever child. Does this reinforce trust in their parents to tell them the truth? ... Don't misunderstand, I am a father and when my children were little there were presents under the tree on Christmas morning. But I was always uncomfortable with the charade even though I wanted my children to enjoy the presents and fun of the season.

MistressAfrodite 5

he’s a dick. but why does she still believe in Santa holy crap lol. I will never understand lying to your children.