By Anonymous - 15/10/2012 04:07 - United States - Aurora

Today, I told my daughter that she won't be going to her homecoming dance as punishment for her terrible grades. She's been crying and singing "If I Die Young" in her room for hours. At this point, I don't know if I need to call a therapist or a vocal coach. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 542
You deserved it 10 167

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jay2121 3

What about a tutor instead of both?

She may be giving you a hard time now, but I honestly believe that if you stick it out and teach her that her actions have consequences, she will appreciate it so much more when she is an adult and be better of for it.


If my mom punished me saying that I can't go to homecoming I would've thanked her so much. I don't know about you guys but I hated homecoming I only went to two of them and each sucked. Just saying its not a big deal to miss homecoming.

skyeyez9 24

Being an adult and at a friend's wedding is much more fun vs a homecoming: You still get to dress up, be with friends and family, good food.....and Open Bar!

I think YDI for giving that bad of a punishment. Homecoming only happens in high school. You could have done something different just as bad!

Homecoming happens all four years in high school. She'll have other chances.

Go OP! That is exactly how parenting should be.

lovebeecharmer 6

If she's a senior, and never been to one before, you just damaged her. Could surprise her by letting her go at the last minute. Regain some trust.

Please. How many 25, 30, 40 year olds who missed their high school dances are now "damaged" for it? OP's daughter will be fine, just grumpy for a while.

OP, I give you credit for dealing a punishment. I'm not a parent yet, but I am a step parent and I agree that you have to give restrictions for bad grades. Now as for homecoming, there is one every year in high school and college. I attended all of mine due to being on the yearbook staff. In all reality, I could have lived without them. The biggest memory from high school should be graduation. It was for me.

Let me clarify, larger colleges and universities have homecoming.

Epikouros 31

Look, for a girl who's academically challenged, her best bet in life is to find a husband with a good job. It would be nice if she'd work for a living, but she doesn't seem to be the type for that. She's already an expert at emotional blackmail - that'll make her more money than solving math problems. You're ruining her future by grounding her and having her crush dance with that annoying overachieving cheerleader.

Punidhing for terrible grades... Because that is the way to support your child. YDI

You can't take a teenage girl's homecoming from her! You only get four of them in your life...just take her electronics away until she gets her grades up, they probably contribute to the reason that she's failing.

Taking one if the for isn't going to hurt her. I only had one homecoming and didn't go to prom. It's not as life damaging as you think. As a parent, i think OP made the right call.

Maybe if you actually had those memories then you would realize what a milestone it is in a young person's life...when I was a little girl I dreamed of being a highschooler and going to dances in beautiful dresses with my friends. Then again, this is my perspective, but it appears that OP's daughter has similar feelings.

ToBeAnnounced 2

When I was little I wanted to do well in school, get my degree and my dream job. You know what an ACTUAL milestone in a young person's life is? Graduating high school, getting your first job. It's about priorities. Homecoming is not a milestone, it's a hyped up school event that won't make or break you in any way.

I've only been to my senior prom and that's because my girlfreind wanted too. OP you made the right choice, keep it up!