By badsinger - 04/06/2010 09:38 - New Zealand

Today, my fiancée told me she was having a bad day while we were lying in bed. Just as she was about to fall asleep I thought it would be sweet if I sang her a song that her Mom sang to her when she was a child. Instead, I was told to shut the fuck up and that I sucked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 074
You deserved it 15 543

Same thing different taste


eazyeeze 0

Some bitches are hard to satisfy

ticklemechantell 0

xD awwwh she's a jerk. that sounds lke a cute idea, whether you hve a good voice or not.

TaylorTotsYumm 10

I don't think this is an FML. You'll get over it in like a day so this doesn't really F your life.

Volcomsmy_Lyfe 0

you should have screamed in their ear

Weird_Gurl7504 0

lol she's showing u that she loves you :D

Just start whimpered "I did my best I did my best" over n over :D

bARbi3_d0Ll 0

awww you're such a sweetheart ^.^... too bad you're not appreciated "/

Play on when you're losing the game Play on 'cause you're gonna make mistakes It's always worth the sacrifice Even when you think you're wrong So play on


White_Fury 0

When someone's trying to sleep, it can really be annoying when someone makes noises. >.> Maybe it works for little kids, but not grown up people. I would totally hit someone if someone did that on my bad day. xD

Monikabug 9

I totally disagree with all of these "you're unappreciated/she's an ungrateful bitch" comments. She was having a bad day, people. If I was having a bad day, I'd be highly irritated by the end of the night too, ready to go to sleep and start a new day as quickly as possible. How would you like to be so close to getting to sleep, only to be woken up by your fiancé singing a song that your mum used to sing to you - only butchering it? I know it was a kind gesture from the OP, but really I don't think this should be about her being ungrateful, or unappreciative. I know EVERYONE here has had at least ONE bad day in their life. You guys tend to look at things one-sided.  

I've had bad days. I'm just not DOUCHE enough to take it out on people tryin to be really nice to me about it.

Monikabug 9

Pretty sure when you are engaged to someone, you are supposed to know when they need to be sang to, and when they need to be left alone. She wasn't a douche for wanting to be left alone. ( •_•)

Monikabug 9

I can see what you are saying, but I would think that he would have a general idea. I wouldn't start singing to someone if they were about to fall asleep anyways. Even so, dear Pen, I still don't think that the OP's fiancé can really be considered ungrateful for having a bad day and therefore being moody, so I stand by what I said.

totally agreed. I know if I have a bad day and my husband knows it too. he just stays away from me and doesn't really say much. same goes for him too. people just don't understand that these days. and give women a bad name when it's just a bad day

Bad days are one thing, using profanity against your fiance is another matter entirely. Even when tired or irritated, partners should not say such harsh, crude, and hurtful statements to each other. Should the OP marry this woman, she will be the kind of wife who routinely calls her husband profane names. It's just her personality. This kind of behavior helps to destroy relationships.

it's very hard for me to fall asleep, takes forever. so if my husband were to start singing to me as I was about to finally doze off I'd tell him to stfu too! regardless of whether my day was good or bad! lol, next time be more discerning op!

I agree with 93. While it is perfectly fine for her to be moody/tired/whatever, what she said to him is completely unacceptable and a gross overreaction. She's a witch. End of story.

What a bitch... Sweet of you to do that though(:

adrii09 0

see that's very sweet on your part :)

Well, shut the hell up, you woke her up!

agreed with 132, i mean i get it that shes tired or what ever but your trying to be nice so good for you.

rosemary1990 0

maybe her mom was the one that gave her a bad day

mistershlong 0

go teach her a lesson w your **** to teach her to a) not be a bitch and b) not to leave the kitchen

beer_tears 0

Sounds mean I suppose, but if I were in a bad mood i'd probably tell you to shut the **** up as well. Most people just want to be left alone if they're in a bad mood, otherwise they'll let you know, like "let's do something to get my mind off of things" otherwise, it's best to leave them alone. Or else you'll probably have a repeat of today.

44, and you're the very model of feminine.

requiem360 0

she was having a bad day, you should keep out of her way and don't risk annoying her - even if you're just being a nice boyfriend.

No.15 you look like Richard Ramirez the Nightstalker. He is a serial killer. Google that shit.

Hey hot chick? Watch out behind you!! Run!! Damn he almost has you!! Oh well. LOL

laideehawk 6

I agree with #9. She should be thankful you are sweet and thoughtful enough to think of doing that for her. You deserve better!

Hamsterzilla 0
skyttlz 32

Obviously she wasn't in the mood for it. This also is not an FML cause you will probably forget about it in a week.

You have now tainted her only fond childhood memory.

merziaisinlove 0

hahaha that's so cute ! :D