Cling Alert

By miabun - 14/02/2017 06:02 - United States - Breinigsville

Today, my boyfriend has helicopter parents. He offered to take me out on a date for Valentine's Day, but there's one condition: his mother has to be there the whole time. He's 17 years old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 851
You deserved it 891

Same thing different taste

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I disagree with everyone else, not allowing your kid privacy and to have their own life as a teenager, especially with dating, will basically hurt any potential relationship they try to form and greatly effect their social skills. It's showing you lack so much confidence in your ability as a parent and to teach them right, that you need to lord control over them. 17 is almost an adult, a teenager is not a child, so stop treating them like one. If you don't allow them some independence and adult responsibilities, which includes letting them have their own private lives and making their own choices, which may even include mistakes, they will never learn it.


ShannonBitt 29

did anyone really think it was his idea?

ShannonBitt 29

does anyone really think it was his idea?

ShannonBitt 29

does anyone really think it was his idea?

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Just because a parent can legally do something doesn't mean they should. This is absolutely an fml. If my patents did shit like that you can bet I'd have lied my way around it. This is toxic and hampers development of the ability to sustain healthy relationships.

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I disagree with everyone else, not allowing your kid privacy and to have their own life as a teenager, especially with dating, will basically hurt any potential relationship they try to form and greatly effect their social skills. It's showing you lack so much confidence in your ability as a parent and to teach them right, that you need to lord control over them. 17 is almost an adult, a teenager is not a child, so stop treating them like one. If you don't allow them some independence and adult responsibilities, which includes letting them have their own private lives and making their own choices, which may even include mistakes, they will never learn it.

jcash52426 5

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Instead they're hampering their kids ability to try things, make mistakes, and learn lessons. oh yeah, and probably making it harder for their kid to have healthy relationships in the future. such conduct is 100% toxic.

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onceuponatime456 16

You people agreeing with the parents are beyond immature. Grow up!

Yeah, time to dump him and find a real man. If she won't even let you go on a date without her, I can't imagine how bad it's going to be when you're married. She'll move in.

Why would you just jump to breaking up? There is things called talking things out which is the mature thing to do.

this is only a problem if he doesn't realize it's a problem, otherwise he'll grow up fine.

xbaconator9000x 16

I assumed that she waz flying the chopper ?