By Anonymous - 15/10/2012 04:07 - United States - Aurora

Today, I told my daughter that she won't be going to her homecoming dance as punishment for her terrible grades. She's been crying and singing "If I Die Young" in her room for hours. At this point, I don't know if I need to call a therapist or a vocal coach. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 542
You deserved it 10 167

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jay2121 3

What about a tutor instead of both?

She may be giving you a hard time now, but I honestly believe that if you stick it out and teach her that her actions have consequences, she will appreciate it so much more when she is an adult and be better of for it.


YDI. Not because I think a dance is the most important thing in the world, but because if your kids grades are low and the grades are important to you, you should be helping her with a tutor or helping her yourself instead of punishing her.

KalCountry76 12

i feel your pain. worst. song. ever.

KalCountry76 12

also, if shes not a senior, she has other years she can go. dont feel bad.

conholio33 28

That is a suitable punishment..... I would do the same thing if i had kids

I would make her stay after school to get extra help from her teachers. And am I the only person whose school has a homecoming football game instead of a dance?

Bluejaywilde 10

I think your school is one of the only schools that doesn't have both. It's traditional to have a game and then a dance afterwards at most schools.

That's wrong on so many levels. As a freshman myself, not being able to go to homecoming would kill me. Try tutoring, then your daughter might actually learn something rather than just flat out hating you.

How dare you!! A homecoming dance for a girl is a HUGE deal! Let her go to the dance, but limit her on something else. Don't take away something that important. I'm sure you had some bad grades as a kid.

ToBeAnnounced 2

You're obviously a child yourself. I didn't go to any of my homecomings or prom, I didn't care, plus I had a job. Some stupid dance is nowhere near as important as good grades. A college won't accept her just because she went to homecoming. A punishment isn't supposed to be fun, it's not supposed to be convenient, or revolve around OP's daughter's plan. OP might of had bad grades as a kid, and she probably got punished too. Grow up.

XSarahXSlytherin 7

For all you people saying that this is a terrible punishment: If you were a parent, you would allow your children to pull terrible grades and STILL be able to have what they want? Homecoming dance isn't a RIGHT, it's a PRIVILEGE. A privilege this girl clearly didn't earn.

doglover100 28

I would get a tutor. If she isn't a senior she can go next year. This Saturday will be my first time at homecoming even though I am a senior. I don't care about prom.