By Anonymous - 15/10/2012 04:07 - United States - Aurora

Today, I told my daughter that she won't be going to her homecoming dance as punishment for her terrible grades. She's been crying and singing "If I Die Young" in her room for hours. At this point, I don't know if I need to call a therapist or a vocal coach. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 542
You deserved it 10 167

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jay2121 3

What about a tutor instead of both?

She may be giving you a hard time now, but I honestly believe that if you stick it out and teach her that her actions have consequences, she will appreciate it so much more when she is an adult and be better of for it.


countrygirl626 16

I honestly applaud you. Some of you are saying she may not understand material. Then she should have asked for help to understand before homecoming. On top of that, high schools usually have homecoming every year. If she's not a senior, she has at least one more year. And for me honestly? 20 years from now, I will probably not remember my homecomings. I agree with what one commenter said: if not going to homecoming ruins her life, she has an easy life.

I think that's good parenting IF your daughter had the potential and ability to earn good grades and slacked off. If your daughter seriously tried and couldn't comprehend then you may be harsh. However I'm sure you wouldn't have posted here if your daughter weren't totally cApable of making good grades so thanks for being a caring enough parent to show your daughter that actions have consequences.

monkiki62 5

Your an asshole. Its a supervised school dance that happens once a year. How about you get her a tutor for her grades. Or tell her she can go to the dance but she cant go out or see her friends other than that for two weeks.

chickenpie90 16

I think it's awful you're not letting her go. So what if her grades aren't amazingly high. I too hope she sings louder.

what did you do to help her achieve her grades?

when I was in middle school (in asia) was getting my ass whopped for every point that i missed from the perfect score lol. Other punishments consisted of kneeling on some hard surface with arms stuck out for almost the whole night just for lying. I didnt even get to go to any of my proms (had to work) let along homecoming, kids today have the easy life and cry about the smallest punishments lol.

punishment for bad grades absolute horseshit

ElhonnaDS 10

I feel like a lot of these comments about how unfair it is to punish people for poor grades would hold more water if they were properly punctuated, used correct capitalization, were grammatically correct, etc. Otherwise, you're kind of hurting your own case. "i nvr gots punishid for doin bad in skool, and its not fare that you doughtar cant go to tha dance bcause your tryin two contoul her," is not a compelling argument for the relative importance of good grades vs. attending homecoming in determining how someone turns out as an adult.

Who cares? Homecoming is overrated anyway. It's nothing more than a stupid, over-glamorized dance for people to waste money on. Your daughter's better off staying home and doing nothing all night than wasting a night of her life that she can't get back at a ridiculous, over-the-top dance party.

patriot248 4

At least the parents can rest easy knowing she won't come back pregnant. Not saying anything toward their daughter because I don't know her personally but all the dances were just excuses to go hookup, get drunk and get laid where I'm from. The dances themselves weren't too supervised either.

If she has terrible grades, then she should be spending time studying or getting tutored, instead of going to homecoming. What's more important? Homecoming, or good grades?

Right, because it's the only night she'll ever have to study. As pathetic as I think homecoming is and that she'd be better off doing anything else, that's a bad argument.