By Anonymous - 15/10/2012 04:07 - United States - Aurora

Today, I told my daughter that she won't be going to her homecoming dance as punishment for her terrible grades. She's been crying and singing "If I Die Young" in her room for hours. At this point, I don't know if I need to call a therapist or a vocal coach. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 542
You deserved it 10 167

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jay2121 3

What about a tutor instead of both?

She may be giving you a hard time now, but I honestly believe that if you stick it out and teach her that her actions have consequences, she will appreciate it so much more when she is an adult and be better of for it.


I would find it hilarious if it turned out your daughter was singing so badly to punish you and try and make you crack OP so you'll be like fine go to homecoming just please shut up. Just saying it's a possibility.

oceanbeauty 17

Wow that is a terrible run on sentence.

Oh please tell me you just had a go at me for having a sentence to long. Because you know it's totally like everyone is actually reading these comments out loud to themselves, and not in there head. It's also not like I was just making a humorous comment and was actually being deadly serious, my god thank you for pointing it out otherwise no one would have taken my comment seriously and been like, "holy sh*t this guy's right, we better warn the OP of her daughters sinister plan." That was a close one, god knows what kind of ramifications may have happened if you hadn't pointed it out. :)

LOL I'll give you that one you actually made me laugh a bit with that. I would have done the same thing. I almost had it so perfect too, could I use the excuse everyone screws up the there they're and theirs? or would that be to cliched? lol

"Lord make me a rainbow, I'll shine down on my mother. She'll know I'm safe with you when she stands under my colors" Lyrics from the song she's got on repeat. I just found it ironic she's mad at her mom but signing THAT song. She will either get over it or hold a grudge forever. No way to know yet.

jessicadavis374 6

Homecoming is every year... She isn't missing anything. Punish her and be done with it. The others commenting that its too harsh are ignorant, are shitty parents or are spoiled ass teenagers who need better parenting... Way to go OP! Proud of you!

I agree 100%! Their kids must be in charge at their homes.

Homecoming Dances are not important. I never went to one in high school and not a thing happened to me. Getting good grades are where it's at.

There's a homecoming every year. Unless she's a senior, then she can just go next year. -_- In the meantime, you should find out where she could get tutoring.

lethaldevotion 11

I applaud your firm stance as her parent. Although we don't know the rest of the story, if your daughter has been slipping on her grades despite tutors or extra help after classes or hasn't give two ***** about her grades, then the punishment is suitable. Plenty of kids miss dances for all kinds of reasons and they turn out fine. Memories are important but she will not die from missing one dance. Anyone saying YDI is most likely a teenager who doesn't see it from a parental standpoint. I'm sure you must have told your daughter at least once, "If you do not bring your grades up, you may not go to the dance."

I think the punishment if fair, OP. She will say she hates you now, but since everything wasn't just handed to her whenever she thinks she deserves it, when she grows up she will be a much much better human being. There are too many people in this world that think there are no consequences for their actions, therefore they don't care about anyone but themselves. Kudos to you for being a responsible parent :).