By Guess - 21/11/2009 19:10 - United States

Today, I told my boyfriend of nine months that depression runs in my family and I think the reason I've been flipping shit so much lately may be that I am depressed. Not five minutes later he decided a break would be "the best thing for us right now." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 360
You deserved it 9 050

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well he's right. I mean, maybe you should figure out your mental health issues instead of worrying about a relationship anyways.

devendra_fml 0

to be honest, i would probably break up with you too. maybe not five minutes later, but he's not obligated to be with you just because you're depressed.


First off, I'd like to say I realize depression IS an actual disorder. I do not doubt it's existence or try to belittle its effects in any way. With that said, a lot of people who diagnose themselves with depression are either 1.) faking it to gain attention or 2.) misinterpret their symptoms. Like I said, I do not doubt the existence of actual depression patients. Which is why it's all the more infuriating to witness people claim to have depression, when in fact they really don't. Now, I cannot judge just by reading this whether or not she really has depression or not. But if I were the guy with her, I would find it appalling for her to believe I should obligated to stay with her now that she has come out with her mental imbalances. It should be his decision and his decision alone whether or not he wants to stay any longer with this person who is "flipping *****" all the time (a symptom I do not readily relate to depression). If he does, well then, good for him, he's not giving up on her. If he doesn't, well then I can understand the position from that side too.

cpatrick820 3

Dated a girl for a long time who was depressed, possibly bipolar (it ran in her family). I tried so hard to make her happy for a solid year, and all I got out of it was pain and a feeling of worthlessness. You don't realize how difficult it is to try EVERY DAY to make someone happy, at least squeeze a smile out of them, and get nothing but tears. I finally broke it off, and she went nuts on me. It hurt, but to be honest, I could tell my mental health had significantly increased after I moved on. Sorry to you all that say it's unfair to leave her, but realize it's more unfair to drag him down with her. There is no fixing depression.

i think this needs to be taken down, it's a repeat from a previous one that was basically worded the exact same...

Depression isn't a disease. Depression doesn't "run in your family". It's not a genetic condition. Anyone who has actually studied and researched clinical psychology, and not just relied on watching Oprah, will inform you that while there are a number of proposed theories behind the causal explanations of depression, the most widely agreed upon is the biopsychosocial model. This relies on a combination of biological, psychological, and social factors that attribute to the diagnosis of clinical depression. Those of you who say it's caused by chemical imbalances in the brain (or along those lines) have been misinformed; there is a whole lot more I could say to further explain this but it's a bit much for a comments section lol. Feel free to message me for extra info.

#66 quote: "Depression doesn't "run in your family". It's not a genetic condition." "This relies on a combination of biological..." LOL.. you say its not genetic then basically state that its genetic... just wow.

Trying reading that again. "biopsychosocial", "a combination of biological, psychological, and social factors" Biological is not the same as genetic. And genetic is not the same as runs in the family. I am not the least bit surprised that a shit flipping parent will have shit flipping kids, regardless of the genetics. The OP has simply been ejected from the gene pool and needs to re-take the swim test to get back in.

Most biological conditions are genetic, and someone can be genetically prone to depression. Like all genetic traits it isn't always expressed and prone to physical conditions as well.. Its also not tied to only one specific genetic trait like eye color, straight/curly hair, etc.

And when referring to a physical condition genetic is EXACTLY the same as "runs in the family." (you idiot)

buddas_angel 0

I have known people that suffer from depression and I don't recall any of them "flipping shit." Mostly depression is self destructive, such as not cleaning their house, not taking care of their personal hygiene, using some sort of drug etc. Now I have known people who tend to "flip shit" and those people were usually bipolar, which is different from depression. I have dated guys that suffered from both of these conditions and neither is fun to deal with. If I were to start dating a guy that told me that he had either of these issues I am not ashamed to admit that I would turn and run like my ass was gonna catch fire! OP FYL because you found out he was not willing to help you through this, but I can't blame him for not wanting to deal with it.

I understand that depression is an illness and not intentional, but there is no reason to expect someone healthy who wants to be in a healthy relationship to put up with that. He is probably looking for someone that is actually mentally in a place to be a decent girlfriend and not "flip shit" then blame depression and expect forgiveness and acceptance. Get help and try again.

Try being married to someone with depression. It is not fun. You did the right thing by telling him first, not every woman is that considerate. He did the right thing by bailing.

If that actually included an apology, I might sympathize. It doesn't sound like you did. Then again, the emo trippin' is still your responsibility, even if it's partially the fault of some genetic defect. Unless and until you learn to get over yourself, he probably dodged a bullet there.

Irritability, unreasonable anger, and withdrawal are some of the many symptoms of depression. Because it is occurring now, in winter in the Northern hemisphere, Seasonal Affective Disorder may be playing some part. The subject is addressed at and effective, non medication based treatments for depression are shown on page B. Many of those who use antidepressants report feeling loss of emotions, and/or a feeling of being "zombified". Get the recommended tests done, but if antidepressants are offered, say "thank you very much, doctor", and pocket the prescription, but don't fill it until giving the alternative treatments a good tryout. Antidepressants will still be available, if required, (unlikely) but it's best to avoid the risks, and side effects, if at all possible.

Kateeh 0

To the poster: Forget all the posts that are from people who don't know what it's like to have depression run in your family or even to be depressed. I feel the stigma that's attached to people with mental illnesses even if so many other people don't. I've been coming to this website for a couple months now but hadn't created an account until I saw your post. I want you to know that I too, just yesterday, lost a relationship because I told him about my depression and the depression that runs in my family. In a way I am kind of glad for both you and me. Maybe now we can find dudes that will actually be there for us if we ever reach a low point. :-)

You have no idea what you put your men through, though. That is a deal breaker many times.