By Guess - 21/11/2009 19:10 - United States

Today, I told my boyfriend of nine months that depression runs in my family and I think the reason I've been flipping shit so much lately may be that I am depressed. Not five minutes later he decided a break would be "the best thing for us right now." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 360
You deserved it 9 050

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well he's right. I mean, maybe you should figure out your mental health issues instead of worrying about a relationship anyways.

devendra_fml 0

to be honest, i would probably break up with you too. maybe not five minutes later, but he's not obligated to be with you just because you're depressed.


X0XyentroucX0X 0

if I was ur bf I would have left bitch is gonna cry on my shoulder everyday feeling sorry for herself. and since its psychological it may be a repetitive thing. YDI for telling him. but if i was your bf as long as u taking pills we still can be together.

Hooray4Ponies 0

It seems that everyone and their dog has depression now and, personally, I'm sick of it. I read this and see "My boyfriend broke up with me because I act like a total bitch but it's not MY fault, it's my family's." It's that passing the blame and "I" mentality that causes depression. When your world is about only you, instead of others, you'll always be disappointed because not everyone pays attention to you. People need to apologize when they screw up and go out and do something for someone else every once in a while. Bake a cake for Mom. Volunteer for Habitat for Humanity. At the end of the day you'll feel happy and accomplished, instead of sitting around thinking about why your life "sucks" so badly. (And I do understand that there are a few cases that can't be helped, but that's in the minority.)

Hooray4Ponies, you have pretty much covered all the points here I think. I had a similar post written, but now I will simply agree. Depression is awful when it is real, but the amount of times it's used as a crutch has rendered any girl whining about how she may be depressed suspect.

If he's not man enough to handle you when you're depressed, then dump him. Don't even try to maintain a relationship with someone who doesn't care enough about you to stay by your side in hard times. Agreeing with #31 - you dodged a bullet.

ElMundio87 0

Actually, sticking around to be treated like crap by the girl is the pussy way. A real man knows when to move on to better people.

Trust me, you were lucky to get rid of this loser early. If he can't stick by you in tough times -- how hard for him that you might be suffering from clinical depression! -- you are better off without him.

it actually is really really hard for people, especially boyfriends or girlfriends, to be around depressed people. a lot of times you can't do anything to make them happy and they don't enjoy anything. i was depressed, i never wanted to go anywhere or do anything except sit in bed and watch tv. i wasn't a whiny bitch, i had a reason which i'm not going to get into. but it was really hard for my boyfriend to just watch me crying all the time and hating life. he stayed with me though. and i got over it, but it was really difficult for him and everyone else around me. it doesn't just affect the depressed person. it affects everyone around them. so i really don't blame the guy for wanting to take a break. especially if he had been around other people dealing with depression. it;s a hard thing to deal with for everyone. so it's not his fault. it's not really anyone's fault. it just is.

ElMundio87 0

I love how when a girl acts like a bitch and her boyfriend leaves, or the boyfriend does something nice but the girl doesn't think the gesture was satisfactory, you get a stream of female/unspecified(who are likely women) posters who only post to trash talk men, and make the OP seem like an angel.

Oh, you didn't get the memo that saying "I'm depressed" gets you a mandatory 3 months minimum additional relationship time. OP is just another bitch that got dumped. The fact that she played the "I'm depressed" card has nothing to do with it.

chop_buster 0

How can depression run in the family, i maybe wrong. but i do not think it can be hereditary.

mental disorders can be hereditary if they are caused by chemical imbalances. personality disorders are not hereditary because they are usually caused by a traumatic experience or something. but there are a ton of reasons for depression. it could be a chemical imbalance, personality disorder, lack of sleep, or just circumstances. so just because it runs in her family does not mean that the op has depression. and op, if you are depressed, you know it. it's not like oh i've been weird and depression runs in my family. and just because you are depressed does not mean you have depression. if you are worried about it, see a psychiatrist. if you do have depression, hopefully you can find good medicine to treat it and see a therapist. and you can't use depression as an excuse to be bitchy. so just be nice, and see a psychiatrist.

depressed people dont have the energy to be bitchy... and it can be hereditary. on my mothers side, my grandfather, aunt and mother have all been severely clinically depressed at some time. my father, grandmother and great grandmother on his side have all been clinically depressed, which im guessing is the reason that i fell into this illness so early.

i was depressed and i was bitchy. everyone who i've known that was depressed was bitchy too. one of the symptoms of depression is moodiness which usually makes people bitchy.

You don't exactly inherit it, but you can be predisposed. If one of your parents has suffered it in their life, you have about a 25% chance of developing it. If both parents have suffered it, it's a 75% chance

ArthursLifeSucks 2

Oh don't be all "FML it sucks". You know the next step was to dump him because you were too depressed to be in a relationship, then get a new boyfriend the next week. He saved you the hassle of having to get rid of him. Well, that's how my depressed g/f treated me anyways.

damn. girls need to stop looking for attention. chances are she made everything up.