By Suicidal - 20/12/2009 22:40 - Australia

Today, I had a mental breakdown after going through severe depression for several years. I told my boyfriend that everybody thinks I'm useless, to which he replied, "No you're not. You cook me good dinners." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 083
You deserved it 7 720

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think cooking good dinners is better than being a crappy cook, nice work!

LegndNikko 0

You have a boyfriend. Why were you depressed?


I think cooking good dinners is better than being a crappy cook, nice work!

lexi_cacao 0

maybe he was aiming at a sense of humour? I agree with #3: good cook > crappy cook.

Maybe you should slap him? I sure would. It obviously ISNT a compliment. I would know. Long story short, hes pretty much sayin "yup u are pretty useless."

LegndNikko 0

You have a boyfriend. Why were you depressed?

So what if he didn't say you give good ******** or make good sandwiches. Stop getting your panties in a bunch and suck it up, jeez. YDI for being such a whiny lil bitch

Congrats? Don't expect me to feel sympathy, I can't cook for my life and really appreciate a woman who takes the time to cook good food.

bottom line, it could be worse. but not much.

kaleid0scopeEyes 0

It seems like your "mental breakdown" wasn't a huge deal to your boyfriend, which probably means you're exaggerating... especially since you had to make your nickname "Suicidal."

ughhh what an annoying OP. he's saying ur not useless...where is the FML. Anyway who cares about being useful to others. Would you rather be USED?