By Anonymous - 23/12/2015 15:48 - India - Mumbai

Today, I threw a punch at my sensei like he told me to, except he failed to block it like he assured me he would. Now I'm banned from his classes and I'm pretty sure he's going to get the police involved. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 124
You deserved it 1 833

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's 100% his fault, he should have actually blocked the punch and not be a little bitch about it

Don't worry, he doesn't have a case. And you don't want a whiner like that teaching you anyway.


Don't worry, he doesn't have a case. And you don't want a whiner like that teaching you anyway.

If he can't even block your punch, there aren't much you can learn from him. The ban makes no difference whatsoever.

noonenoeone 22

There isn't much he can learn anyways. The cops should laugh it off he really tries to file a report, but make sure your friends/classmates will corroborate your story just in case.

that's 100% his fault, he should have actually blocked the punch and not be a little bitch about it

Wow, I wouldn't go to his classes if he didn't ban you anyway. Hopefully you can explain to the police what happened and they'll be sympathetic about it.

Seriously though, what's the guy going to say. Instructor: "Officer, that man hit me" Officer: "aren't you the teacher of this martial arts class?" Instructor: "yes" Officer: "so..." "Did the other students hit you as well? Should I arrest the whole class? Moron."

I think it happened in the karate dojo from yesterday's FML.

tektiteTriforce 3
rabid_otaku 29

That's senpai, an upperclassman. Sensei is a teacher. :)

Senpai is someone you wish would notice you. Not sensei

Just like in my Japanese animes! :D Kawaii desu ne!

Yeah, pretty sure 4 knows they're not the same and was just making a joke. I thought it was funny anyway, nearly joked on my drink.

"Joked on" a drink? You mean "choked on", right?

To be fair, if you're Genos, the line between "sensei" and "senpai" begins to blur.

Pretty sure he doesn't have a right to do that. That's unacceptable, OP.

I wouldn't be too concerned about the police. Accidents happen, and it's kind of his job to take a punch.

You have witnesses, right? It was in a dojo after all, yeah? No worries! His case hasn't a leg to stand on.

I think he is embarassed about not being able to block it. Still it is a total dick move coming from your sensei. I am curious about what martial art this is, mind telling me?