By Anonymous - 31/07/2016 14:19

Today, I got punched in the face after I beat my stepbrother at Mario Kart. I didn't really get hurt, but he managed to break a finger. My stepmom blamed the whole thing on me, accusing me of being violent and a bad influence on her son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 981
You deserved it 881

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've read a few Mario Kart fmls lately and I'm convinced that people need to stop blaming GTA for video game influenced violence. It's that sneaky italian plumber that's breaking families apart.

wow... sounds like your gonna have a rough time with the new stepbrother. Especially if he punched you in the face over a video game... Good luck!


wow... sounds like your gonna have a rough time with the new stepbrother. Especially if he punched you in the face over a video game... Good luck!

I've read a few Mario Kart fmls lately and I'm convinced that people need to stop blaming GTA for video game influenced violence. It's that sneaky italian plumber that's breaking families apart.

Xelabasat 14

"Niko, it's Roman, let's go racing!"

It's the goddamn turtle shells that do it. Particularly the blue ones, though reds can wreck your day too.

#23 Don't even get me started. Mario Party gets vicious 'round these parts. Goddamn mother ******* "Chance Time". Someone always has to leave the room.

Getting hit by lightning over a pit always infuriates the **** out of me. Of course, I don't resort to violence when it happens.

153 likes and 0 dislikes, you must be right

35 - Dokapon Kingdom is even worse from what I understand. So I recommend you never play it under any circumstances.

I hope your stepfamily aren't always as assholey as this. Dude needs to learn some goddamn self control.

more like respect. but people like that usually look down on the world and it comes back to bite em hard. he will get what he deserves.

He will get what he deserves when OP cracks him one in the jaw. Why wait for karma when you can BE karma?

Inform your Dad! Tell him too you refuse to play or communicate with your stepbrother as well if you're going to be treated unequally in the family. Polite but firm!

Absolutely! It's huge to the success of his relationship that his partner treats his child fairly and won't always blame the child without at least actually investigating the situation first just because they aren't hers biologically. That's almost a form of abuse, really. I wouldn't tolerate that treatment of my child.

Mario the italian plumber works so well destroying families with his love handle

Yes, because the best way to use violence and hurt someone else is to just smash your face into their hand. It happening the other way around makes no sense, where the hell is your stepmother's logic? One day, her son is going to punch the wrong person and just get slaughtered, or arrested.

WTF ever lady. Your son needs to learn to be a loser with dignity.

My college roommate broke my back after we played Project Gotham Racing.

Can't win at Mario Kart, can't win at life. But at least he's got a future in snitching, that'll go well.

LOL, I miss read it at first and thought you beat your brother up at a market. I am so sorry for you Op. Hopefully your dad here's you and and stand up for you. I had a friend whose dad punished her for something like this and she did nothing to deserve it.