By Anonymous - 23/12/2015 17:11 - Germany

Today, as I passed a printout over my shoulder to my mum, I managed to give myself a papercut on my tear duct. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 662
You deserved it 2 701

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TordNorski 30

My eye twitched when I read this.


Bet OP didn't see that one coming! Eye'm really not sure how this happened though, iris OP the best though!

Why do you sexualize animals you sick bastard?!?

Well, at least the paper didn't have lemon juice on it.

Why would your paper have lemon juice eon it anyways?

#13 Have you ever written secret messages with lemon juice? When you toast the paper, the writing shows up! Pretty cool stuff!

Or maybe it's a random science experiment that involves putting lemon juice on paper for some reason; there's all kinds of reasons for it if you think long enough!

Oh my dear God, I almost got sick reading that. I am so sorry.

Tear ducts are inside your body. Did you mean the corner of your eye? (Inner/outer canthus)

TordNorski 30

My eye twitched when I read this.

Whole new meaning to salt in the wound man...

How in the **** did you manage that?! Hope it heals soon op.