By popcorn - 27/04/2011 18:33 - United States

Today, I was watching a movie online. There was a 15 minute ad. 13 minutes into watching an ad about birth control, I noticed that there was a "skip this ad" button in the corner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 794
You deserved it 53 271

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fx13mz 7

And while you're at home watching that movie, there's a couple out there using that birth control.


ceinaworus 0

I think that the OP is easily captivated by ads...

littlemissFYL 5

very interesting indeed, #1. what kind of ad is more than 13 minutes long? the ****?

here's my following plan. Sue the site for not making the skip button large enough for us ADD sufferers. I swear if I had a gun pointed to my head I would still notice a butterfly flying by.

Michelle_74617 1

hey! you watch it! op wasted 13 WHOLE minutes watching that ad!

I'll agree but I bet op knows alot about that particular birth control lol

Fx13mz 7

And while you're at home watching that movie, there's a couple out there using that birth control.

I hate that when that happens! I do that all the time with YouTube videos.

Michelle_74617 1

Oh yeah and what did you learn from that

kellbelle032398 0

ummm thats def not FML. a whole 13 minutes of your lifeu wont get back. big deal. and maybe stop watching illegal movies online..?

Pizzamaster 0

YouTube does that to me all the time. and those ads always pop up during important shit. amiright?

Cut the OP some slack. They probably thought it was an ad for the movie "Grizzly Man" After 13 minutes they figured it was the wrong movie but kept waiting. Cause that's the thing about bear attacks... they come when you least expect it.