By squeak - 12/09/2011 13:52 - United Kingdom

Today, I thought my hamster might be lonely, so I went to the pet shop and bought a new one to keep him company. The new hamster killed the old one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 126
You deserved it 13 983

Same thing different taste

Top comments

One time I brought a new girl home to keep the old one company. She didn't like it so much either :/

It's uncommon knowledge that hamsters are territorial.


Maaaybe because hamsters prefer to live alone, and that happens most of the time you introduce a new one just like that? Jeez, don't you know anything about the pets you own?! Then you shouldn't have one at all.

mileyfan17 8

"No one messes with my food bowl bitch"! Haha

should have made them watch Hamtaro before you put them together :)

Syrian Hamsters + Syrian Hamster = Mating, fights, and death. Not necessarily in that order. You should read up. You had good intentions but...really? YDI.

I feel your pain.. I once had 2 hamsters and one of them gnawed the other's leg off >.

XyberPunk9 3

@#25.. um... you cant mix hamsters at all.. especially not males. Unless they are the same gender and from the same litter, you can not mix and match your hamsters. They are naturally very territorial over their space. where did you buy your hamster? They should have informed you of this!! The place where I work would never sell a new hamster to someone with an established hamster already at home. >_< while I feel your pain because it's never easy losing a pet, YDI for not doing your research before buying.

NikkiCat 0

ginnea pigs make good companions for hamsters. should double check that too

clementine00 1

They are very territorial. When I was little I had two hamsters from the same litter and one ended up killing the other. I came home to find him half eaten.