By squeak - 12/09/2011 13:52 - United Kingdom

Today, I thought my hamster might be lonely, so I went to the pet shop and bought a new one to keep him company. The new hamster killed the old one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 124
You deserved it 13 983

Same thing different taste

Top comments

One time I brought a new girl home to keep the old one company. She didn't like it so much either :/

It's uncommon knowledge that hamsters are territorial.


sugarbear444 0

The same thing happened to me but the other way around

Wheresmysandwich 3

#119, does that mean your hamster thought you might be lonely so it brought a companion home for you and you killed him?

OP... you may have just started a trend. Hamster Fighting. At least its not illegal like dog fighting.

Your life sucks because the person at the pet store should have informed you it was a bad idea. You deserve it because if you have an animal, you should try to learn as much as possible about it so shit like this doesn't happen.

DAbearz95 0

I thought everyone knew not to put two same sex hamsters into one cage?

It's your own fault, because if you knew anything about the animal you owned you would know that hamsters are solitary animals. I just feel bad for the poor hamsters!

Duhhhh!!!!!! Hamsters are solitary animals and dont like company! Researchh!! Now the poor hamster is dead!

class54 0