By squeak - 12/09/2011 13:52 - United Kingdom

Today, I thought my hamster might be lonely, so I went to the pet shop and bought a new one to keep him company. The new hamster killed the old one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 124
You deserved it 13 983

Same thing different taste

Top comments

One time I brought a new girl home to keep the old one company. She didn't like it so much either :/

It's uncommon knowledge that hamsters are territorial.


that does suck however you shoulda researched it theyll only live together if they are together from birth

Sorry to burst your bubble, but even then it can happen. Less likely, but possible. I've had to pull apart vicious sibling hamsters on more than one occasion (petstore work).

Unfortunately it's a hamster eat hamster world out there ;) Next time you'll know better (:

pichu172b 7

You're ridiculous! Hamsters cannot live together, they're territorial!

laideehawk 6

Hamster on hamster violence is becoming increasingly more common. A task force must be organized to find solutions to this terrible problem before more hamsters lose their lives.

I used to work at a petstore, and it still baffles me how many people would take two hamsters (or an extra with the one back at home), even AFTER I told them they would most likely kill each other. Sometimes, people are just idiots.

Burrito_2014 0

Sometimes, as in this instance.

little_monster21 0

my sister had a cage with hamsters and they mated. then mama hamster ate everyone. including all the babies. it was disgusting to see. anyway now you know they're territorial and violent.

Then How can the female survive her preganncy?

Then How can the female survive her preganncy?

of course it did! Ever read a book in your life? It's what solitary animals do!